Kylees birthstone
What is aquamarine
Kylees biggest food disappointment
What is the shrek pretzel with cheese
true or false- Kylee has 10 pillow pets
What is true?
This is Kylees pet peeve when sitting with others
What is foot rubbing/ fiddling
Russel stover only makes these during holiday seasons
What are chocolate marshmallows
The only way Kylee ingests fruits
What are smoothies
This surprisly spicy meal Kylee got in Dr. Seuss Workd
What is buffalo chicken who hash?
True or false- Kylee loves her job
What is True?
Kylees childhood crush
Who is Corbin Blue
Kylee is Team Gale or Team Peeta
Team Edward or Team Jacob
Must get both correctWhat are Peeta and Edward
Kylees room color before grey
What is slime green
Kylee favorite mode of transportation?
What is the Hogwarts Express?
True or False- once Kylee claimed she was too smart to be a nurse
What is True
What is Kylees favorite Harry Potter Movie
What is the Prisoner of Azkaban or healthy hallows part 2
This type of food Kylee would sell in her restaurant
What are hot dogs
Kylee smoked up the kitchen cooking this
What is popcorn
this was Kylees favorite ride (3 answers)
What is Hagrids magical creature motor bike adventures, Dr suess high in the sky jolly train ride, or escape from gringots
True or False- Kylee had blood in her stool today from an hemorrhoid
What is (defer to Kylee)
Kylee cut this flyer Allison referred to it as Amish
What is her hair
This Kylees favorite form of rotting
What is bed
Kylees childhood blanket
what is BB
What was Kylees pin she pulled at the airport
Who is Olaf?
True or false- Kylee is having fun tonight
Kylee was and is still weary of this animal
What are dogs
Name Kylees chipotle order
What is Browns rice double, no beans, steak, salsa/pico, cheese sour cream lettuce light and chips