What game/s has Branton got all the achievements for?
Borderlands and/or skyrim
What is branton genic name?
Why does branton have a stable scar on his hand
(Hint: its not from a stapeler)
He was stabbed
Branton collects what kinda trading card?
Branton won his first Mp3 player in a contest to name the rec center in his town, that did he name it?
Corner pocket
What game (other then wow) has branton soaked the most hours into?
Rainbow six seige
Branton has an issues doing this common issue?
Branton can't spell
When branton is bald there are two scars on the side of his head that look like audio and vidoe jacks how did he gets these?
Chicken pocks
Branton has a favorite Tv and has collect alot of toys from this.
Branton pides himself on being a good Dk what rank did he peak in for his sever?
What faction does branton raid on in wow
How did branton get his name?
Theres a small scar on brantons legg what happend?
He got a chunk taken out while swimming
Branton owns 3 of these in his room
Branton has issues with his eyes what did the doctor do to fix them?
Play a matching game
What game has Branton played for over 50 hours and hated
What is brantons favourite food
Branton got alot of these covering his body
Branton likes guns what Airsoflt replica gun does he own
Branton doesn't say this offen how did his last relastionship end?
She left him for a gay guy.
What is the correct class and spec that branton mains in world of warcraft?
Unholy Deathknight
Where did the Freebutter meme name come from
Branton had to draw butterfree but memed it.
Why does Branton have a scar under his left eye brow?
Got attacked by a hockey net.
Branton has a old hobby that he picks up and puts down from time to time what is it?
Fan fiction writing
What can branton do with his eyes
Roll them back into his head