Protagonist (John The Savage)
Figurative Language
(Mustapha Mond)
Symbols & Motifs

“Why wouldn’t they let me be the sacrifice? I’d have gone round ten times—twelve, fifteen. Palowhtiwa only got as far as seven. They could have had twice as much blood from me. The multitudinous seas incarnadine.” He flung out his arms in a lavish gesture; then, despairingly, let them fall again." John's first quote within this book shows what about his character?

His want to suffer.


"... men who moved through the caste system as a fish through water–" What specific type of figurative language does this excerpt from "Brave New World" make use of?

What is simile?


"Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy." What is Mond's (antagonist's) claim based on this excerpt?

That various intense emotions within society make it hard for everyone to be happy.


Soma is a drug used within Brave New World which allows people to be trapped within a false state of happiness through providing instant gratification within the dystopian society, it allows the people to be controlled under people with authority. Like many other drugs the continuous usage of Soma represents what?

What is addiction?


The book is based around the use of advances in science, technology, and a powerful government in order to transform the behaviors and thoughts of humans by forcing them to act in a certain way approved by the government and eventually society. According to context above, what overarching theme does Huxley represent within this book?

The use of government and technology in order to control society.


“Don’t you even understand what manhood and freedom are?” Rage was making him fluent; the words came easily, in a rush... Very well, then, he went on grimly. I’ll teach you. I’ll make you be free whether you want to or not. John pleads a group of people not to take Soma as it will force them to suffer and be under control to higher authorities similar to what historical institution?

What is slavery?


"And in effect, the sultry darkness into which the students not followed him was visible and crimson, like the darkness of closed eyes on a summer’s afternoon." What type of figurative language does this excerpt evoke?

What is imagery?


""And, of course, whenever the masses seized political power, then it was happiness rather than truth and beauty that mattered.” This quote from Mustafa suggests that he values happiness over truth or beauty. What is a synonym for truth?

What is honesty?


Within World State (the dystopian society), Henry T. Ford is viewed as a father figure due to his 20th century technological advances which created a future of mass production in human society. Ford is heavily respected and his ideals are used by World State in order to manufacture babies. Ford within this society most closely symbolizes what prominent figure within religion?

Who is God?


The extensive use of soma, a highly addictive drug which deters humans from reality, governs this dystopian society through the authority of the government. Although this drug is characterized by self delusion it clouds reality with hallucinations that encourage the happiness of society so that they won't revolt against the government. Through reading the context above, what two conflicting ideas are represented by Huxley in this book.

What is truth and happiness?


Quotes used by John such as "the multitudinous seas incarnadine" symbolize which iconic 16th century poet?

Who is William Shakespeare?


"Rumbling and hissing, eighty vibro-vacuum massage machines were simultaneously kneading and sucking the firm and sunburnt flesh of eighty superb female specimens. What form of figurative language does Huxley - the author - utilize within this passage?

What is personification?


One can’t have something for nothing. Happiness has got to be paid for. You’re paying for it, Mr Watson—paying because you happen to be too much interested in beauty. I was too much interested in truth; I paid too.” Within this quote, Mustafa suggests that happiness requires sacrificing both beauty and what else...

What is truth?


Within Brave New World, there are many references to a certain poet's works such as "The Tempest" and "Macbeth." Which poet responsible for these works serves as a huge symbol of love, emotion, and passion within Brave New World?

Who is William Shakespeare?


Within the dystopian society of this book a lot of effort is present in eliminating the individual from society as society through the extensive use of Soma blocks individual thought, abilities, relationships, feelings such as sorrow, and etc. Through using the context above, what component of humanity is taken away within this dystopian society?

What is individuality?


"He had decided to live there because the view was so beautiful, because, from his vantage point, he seemed to be looking out on to the incarnation of a divine being. But who was he to be pampered with the daily and hourly sight of loveliness?" What does this show about John despite the fact that his natural tendency is to want to suffer? 

Shows how he is unable to resist pleasure when presented with it.


"Crimson at the horizon, the last of the sunset faded, through orange, upwards into yellow and a pale watery green. Northwards, beyond and above the trees, the Internal and External Secretions factory glared with a …" What two types of figurative language are put to use in this passage?

What is imagery and personification?


“The world's stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can't get... And if anything should go wrong, there's soma.” Mustafa within this quote suggests that soma is used in order to avoid and distract people from what?

What is reality?

One of the primary motif within Brave New World is the fact that people within society are constantly separated from themselves especially mentally through hallucinations because of Soma (drug). Another word for alienation or separation, and also a major motif within this book is...

What is isolation?


Within this dystopian society, government is defined as totalitarian which means that individual liberty is taken away from society due to a powerful government. Within this novel though, the government instead of suppressing and instilling fear in the people it instead manages people to accept and love their slavery through providing them a fake reality of happiness through hallucinations. Through using the context above, what theme is apparent in this novel?

The dangers of a totalitarian government


"I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled. And then, I ate my own wickedness." This quote most directly shows what about John's initial reaction to the society of World State (dystopian society In Brave New World)?

Shows how he struggled to adapt to the lack of humanity and traditional values in the society.


 "Pierced by every word that was spoken, the tight balloon of Bernard’s happy self-confidence was leaking from a thousand wounds." What form of figurative language is used within this passage?

What is metaphor?


One other major symbol within Brave New World was a person who within our society in the past produced the Model T Ford car, and was the developer of the assembly line of mass production. A historical figure within our society, and a major symbol within this book, what is the name of this figure?

Who is Henry Ford?


The dystopian society of Brave New World is similar to ours in a way in that people define success as the same as economic prosperity and happiness as the ability to satisfy a certain need brought upon by a certain object or good. This shows a major theme in Brave New World in that our society and the dystopian society presented in the book revolve around what specific type of society?

What is a consumer society?
