The first president of the ANC.
Who is Oliver Tambo
In 1974 South Africa was expelled from the U.N because of what?
What is apartheid
What year did apartheid start?
What happened in 1948
What country does Apartheid take place in?
South Africa
Founder of the martyr and the black consciousness movement.
Who is Steve Biko.
In 1994 the ANC has its first non-racial election. Who wins it?
Who is Nelson Mandela
Farmers may re-arm themselves to be protected from dissidents (people who oppose official law)
What happened in 1983
In 1977 a man was killed in police custody, what is his name?
(hint s____ b___)
Who is Steve Biko
ANC stands for what?
African National Congress.
In 1984-89 The township revolts, causing what?
A state of emergency
Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment.
What happened in 1962
A major law involving the black majority and the white minority.
What is apartheid.
President after Oliver Tambo
Who is Nelson Mandela
In 1970 how many people are resettled from their homeland?
3,000,000 (Three Million)
The South African population is divided into three racial groups. White, Black, and colored.
What is The Population Registration Act of 1950
In the 1960s south Africa is excluded from what global sporting event?
What is the Olympics
What word does Apartheid relate to, originate from.
President after Nelson Mandela
Thabo Mbeki
Blacks protest against apartheid grew when 69 people were killed during what?
What is the Sharpeville massacre
Nelson Mandela was charged with high treason and found not guilty.
what happened in 1956
What racial groups were people put into?
White, black, colored