What’s Elizabeth’s favorite sport?
What’s Harrison’s favorite team?
Auburn Tigers
How many times have they dated?
What age did Elizabeth have a bob?
3rd grade or 8
What’s Harrison’s favorite Pro sports baseball team
Where is Elizabeth’s favorite place to be?
What is Harrison’s specific job?
Operations Manager at Gulfstream
How did the couple meet?
Youth Group
What was the first sport Liz ever played?
Tee balll
What dessert are we having at the wedding?
Cake and donuts
What’s the brides dream vacation spot?
Switzerland or Ireland
What’s Harrison’s favorite sport?
How many days until the wedding
Who was Elizabeth’s homecoming date in 9th grade?
What is Elizabeth’s favorite movie genre?
Horror or Comedy
who is Elizabeth’s favorite singer?
Luke combs?
How many guns does Harrison own? Above or Below 20?
Who texted who first the 2nd time they dated?
What age did Elizabeth start wearing glasses?
2nd grade or 7
What’s for dinner at the wedding?
Hamburger steak and chicken
Who is the bride’s celebrity crush?
Miles Teller or Luke Combs
How many knifes does Harrison own? Above or Below 65?
Below- He owns 60
What’s their first dance song?
I cross my heart George Straight OR My best friend - Tim McGraw
Third grade
What’s the first stop on the honeymoon