
If you were going to the moon what would you take?

oxygen, food, water, book, games, smartphone, a person, clothing, medicine...


Who is your favorite athlete. What do you like about them? What do you respect about them? How do they inspire you?

Soccer, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Swimming, Gymnastics, Ice Skating, Skateboarding, Skiing, Snowboarding, Running, Biking, Tennis


Describe a time you felt embarrassed?

I had to do something in front of people

I forgot something

I lost something

I got something wrong

Someone said something about me

Someone asked me something 


What book do you like?

Classic, drama, mystery, graphic, action, superhero, comedy, historic, biography, science, literary fiction

Name something you want to buy

a toy, a game, a clothes item, a food/drink item, an electronics item, a video game, a gift for someone, a trip somewhere, a lottery ticket, make-up, 


What is something that makes you feel proud?

something I did just for me

something I did for someone else

something that was hard

something that took courage

something that was creative

something that took a lot of effort


Describe a time you felt sad

I missed someone.

I felt ignored or misunderstood

I felt ashamed

I felt lost or alone

Someone said something to me that hurt my feelings


What do you want to be when you get older?

parent, teacher, healthcare professional, creator, builder, technologist, activist, scientist, someone who helps others, business owner, astronaut, rich, happy, healthy...


Name one thing you can't live without

my family, my friends, food, water, oxygen, my phone, video game, books, ideas, money, traveling, New York, pizza, ice cream, my health, my brain, my heart...


What game do you like to play?

video game, card game, board game, outdoor game, team sport... 

Who is your role model?

family member, friend, teacher, scientist, actor, singer, politician, activist, writer/poet, entrepreneur, technologist, explorer, director, chef

Describe a time you felt scared

I heard a strange sound or saw something that scared me (shadow, movie)

I was alone in the house

Someone scared me

I had to take a test or give a presentation

I was in a social situation I'm not used to

I had to ask someone for something


What is one thing you like about yourself?

Anything goes! Double your money!


What makes you unique?

Anything goes! Double your money!


What is the most important thing you own? 

my special toy, my smartphone, my bike, my P4/5, my Xbox, my video game, my books, my savings, my ideas, my art, my pet, my picture, my present from X..


What is your happiest memory?

Anything goes! Double your money!

Name your favorite actor. What do you like about them? What do you respect about them? How do they inspire you? 

First or last name must begin with:

a, c, f, h, j, l, n, p, r, or z


How do you know someone is a friend?

They treat me with respect. I feel I can trust them. They are fun to be with. I can talk to them. They make me feel understood. They make me feel welcome. They are reliable.


If you could travel anywhere right now where would you go? 

somewhere in the U.S., a country in Latin America, in Europe, in Africa, in the Caribbean, in Asia, one of the Pacific Islands, Australia, Antarctica, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Narnia, Oz, Gotham City, Heaven, Middle Earth...


What is your favorite subject and why?

English, Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, Health, Theater, PE, Art, Spanish, 


Name a movie you would see again.

Comedy, Action, Animation, Drama, Romance, Horror, Psychological, Thriller, Superhero


If you were an animal what kind would you be?

Must begin with an :

b, c, d, g, l, m, r, or z


Who is the most supportive/inspiring person you know and why? "I feel supported/inspired by X because _______." 

family member, friend, neighbor, person from school, person associated with your religion, person in your healthcare, celebrity, singer, politician, activist, TV personality, scientist, creator...


How many people are in your family? How many can you turn to for support? How many people can you turn to for support outside your family?

Anything goes! Double your money!


What was the strangest dream you ever had? 

Involves: an animal, a familiar person, running, swimming, falling, traveling, school, a distant place, a pretend place, something that made you feel weird, something that made you scared, something that surprised you...
