firm, rubbery mass in a teenager that varies with menstrual cycle
What is Fibroadenoma
What is BI-RADS 1?
What is DCIS?
Level I and II nodes
What is an Axillary Lymph Node dissection?
suspensory ligaments that divide breast into segments
What are Cooper's ligaments?
What is Intraductal Papilloma?
"Probably benign"
What is BI-RADS 3?
What is inflammatory breast cancer?
Always perform _____ with a mastectomy
What is SLNB?
What is a galactocele?
What is BI-RADS 4 or 5?
What is a long thoracic nerve injury?
Margins for breast-conserving therapy for invasive ductal ca
What is 1cm?
blocks estrogen and progesterone receptors
What is Tamoxifen?
What is Mondor's disease?
Follow-up mammogram in 3-6 months
What is BI-RADS 3?
What is Radial scar?
Leaves 1-2% of breast tissue, preserves nipple-areolar complex - NOT for breast cancer tx (only DCIS and LCIS)
What is Simple mastectomy?
venous plexus that allows hematogenous metastasis of breast CA to spine
What is Batson's plexus?
Type of nipple discharge that requires excisional biopsy
What is unilateral bloody or serous discharge?
Biopsy-proven malignancy
What is BI-RADS 6?
What is Paget's disease?
Removes all breast tissue, including nipple areolar complex; also axillary node dissection (levels I and II)
What is modified radical mastectomy?
Lymphangiosarcoma from chronic lymphedema following axillary dissection
What is Stewart-Treves Syndrome?