Pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple
Most common developmental anomaly
Representative images of the breast can be recorded of each breast quadrant and identified by
Clock-face position
What is the most common malignancy of the breast?
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Precancerous growth that begins in the lobule
Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
The terminal ends of the duct and the acini form small lobular units referred to as
TDLU (Terminal Ductal Lobular Unit)
Absence of the nipple
Scan plane running the same direction as the ducts
A benign mass that is seen in the breast after trauma or surgery and can be confused with malignancy
Fat necrosis
Can occur with infection, trauma, mechanical obstruction in breast ducts, or other conditions. Often occurs during lactation
Acute Mastitis
Supportive elements of the breast that consist of fat (adipose) and fibrous connective tissues
Absence of the development of breast and nipple
If a mass is seen in left upper inner quadrant, what clocks does that include
Tumor that grows within the duct and can cause spontaneous nipple discharge from a duct
Intraductal papilloma
Calcifications and ductal enlargement with extension within the ducts are common with this carcinoma
The main arterial supply to the breast comes from the
internal mammary and the lateral thoracic arteries
Asymmetrical premature development of one breast that occurs between the ages of 6-8 years old
Premature Thelarche
Besides all the quadrants of the breast, what other regions should be imaged during breast ultrasound?
Nipple/retroareolar region and Axilla
Another name for fibroadenlipomas that can cause a 'breast within a breast' appearance on mammogram
Another term for this condition is complex sclerosing lesions
Radial scar
Progesterone is produced in the ovary but can also come from
Early bilateral breast development
Precocious puberty
The radiologist mentions that there is a density seen on mammogram along the Tail of spence. Which mammo view will you look at to see the density in order to correlate the mammogram with the ultrasound?
What are the 8 characteristics of malignancy on ultrasound?
Spiculation, angular margins, taller-than-wide, acoustic shadowing, hypoechogenicity, microcalcification, duct extension, microlobulation
Refers to the presence of multiple tumors in different quadrants of the breast, or tumors separated by a distance of 5cm or more