Surgery and Procedures
Hormones and Components
Anatomical Differences

This cosmetic procedure may obstruct milk outflow if the residual defect is large but it is not a contraindication to breastfeeding; additionally it should be removed early in pregnancy for best outcomes.

What is a nipple piercing?


This herb similar to clover is a commonly used galactogogue may increase the secretion of insulin, prolactin, and oxytocin, which is theorized to stimulate milk production 

What is fenugreek?


This legal substance is considered generally unsafe in breastfeeding as it concentrates in fat tissue; however data on long-term effects is limited.

What is marijuana?


This hormone is primarily responsible for milk synthesis and controls the amount of milk produced.

What is prolactin?


This breast tissue abnormality can result in significant discomfort in the armpit during engorgement phase of breastfeeding

What is axillary breast tissue?


This commonly done cosmetic surgery likely has the poorest outcomes for breastfeeding due to probable underlying congenital malformation and resultant scarring and pressure on native glandular tissue. 

What are breast implants?


This herb native to India is reported to increase milk volume and reported to decrease postpartum fatigue.

What is moringa?


This medication which works by decreasing prolactin level can be given effectively less than 24 hours after delivery if needed to suppress milk supply.

Carbergoline 1 mg given once (also accepted bromocriptine)


This hormone triggers the let-down reflex which releases the milk from the breasts.

What is oxytocin?


This breast abnormality results is significant breastfeeding issues as there is simply not enough breast tissue to sustain adequate milk supply.  

What is breast hypoplasia (tubular breast tissue)?

Source: Wiley Online Library


While data on this commonly done cosmetic procedure for treatment of macromastia are limited, it is not an absolute contraindication to breastfeeding but perinatal lactation consultation is recommended.

What is a breast reduction?



This medication no longer available in the United States is commonly purchased from other countries to improve breastmilk supply; one study reported a 90 mL increase in breastmilk supply in mothers who delivered preterm babies.

What is domperidone?


Breastfeeding for more than 13 months is associated with a risk reduction of 63% for this deadly gynecologic cancer.

What is ovarian cancer?


This hormone inhibits prolactin during pregnancy and falls sharply after birth to start the production of breastmilk.

What is progesterone?


This common nipple abnormality is not a contraindication for breastfeeding, but may pose issues with latching due to inability of baby to get enough aerolar tissue to sustain a proper latch.  

What are inverted nipples?


This procedure to help differentiate malignant vs. benign lesions of the breast is not contraindicated in lactation, but there is a small but appreciable risk of milk fistula after the procedure

What is a breast biopsy?

This medication similar to domperidone increased prolactin and can be prescribed short-term to help with increase in milk supply.

What is metoclopramide (Reglan)?


These two medications commonly used for MOUD (MAT) treatment are considered safe in breastfeeding and in fact encouraged as they improve parent/baby bonding.  

What are methadone and buprenorphine?


The primary antibody in breastmilk that is the highest in colostrum and provide immune benefit for the breastfeeding baby.

What is IgA?


This nipple condition causes intense burning and throbbing nipple pain, worsened by the cold and can interfere with a comfortable latch.  

What is nipple vasospasm?


These procedures that involve radioactive tracers are very individual on if moms need to pump and dump; caution should be taken for each individual study as the recommendations vary dependent upon type of tracer. 

What are nuclear medicine studies?  


This Starbucks drink went viral in 2017 for reportedly increasing milk supply. 

What is the pink drink (Strawberry Acai Refresher)?  


The WHO recommends babies born to women with HIV in underdeveloped nations feed their babies using this method.

What is exclusive breastfeeding?  

Combination feeding is much less safe due to GI intestinal barrier upset.  

Coming soon ... recommendations may change regarding HIV positive mothers with undetectable virus breastfeeding exclusively in developed countries.


This hormonal change occurring during letdown can cause a short-term feeling of acute sadness, irritability, nausea, or headache and affects 5-9% of all those breastfeeding. 

What is dysphoric milk ejection reflex (D-MER)?


This condition is a rare congenital condition that causes abnormal chest development on one side affecting breast, ribs, and the chestwall.

What is Poland Syndrome?

Source: Science
