How long can breast milk be stored at room temperature and in the fridge?

4 hours @ Room temperature (25 degree centigrade)

Up to 4 days @ 4 degree centigrade 


Giving baby water while exclusively breastfeeding is necessary to keep the baby well hydrated, especially in the hot weather conditions. 

True or False?

False. Baby receives all necessary water from breast milk. Breast milk contains 60-80% whey (liquid part of milk)


What are 2 early signs that a baby is hungry and ready to feed?

Baby's hand to mouth, smacking lips, moving head side to side


TRUE or FALSE Breastfed babies need sugar water to supplement breast milk.

False, Breast milk provides all babys needs in the first 6 months.


Name 2 benefits of breastfeeding for baby

1. Meets the nutritional needs of the baby 

2. Baby feels safe and secure

3. Protects against disease/bacteria/virus


Mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and return to work prepare ahead by using this.

A Breast Pump - used to express and store breast milk Or can hand express milk into storage containers


What are the vitamins found in breast milk that helps in the formation of bones and teeth. 

Vitamin D and Calcium. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium into baby's bones


What is recommended immediately after birth, up to 1 hour of a healthy newborn?

Skin to skin, initial breastfeeding


TRUE or FALSE Most common illnesses -- such as colds, flu, skin infections, -- can be passed through breast milk.

False. If a mother has an illness, her breast milk will help protect her baby from those same illnesses has it contains beneficial micro-organism (Probiotics). There are serious illnesses where breastfeeding is not recommended: If mom has HIV, untreated tuberculosis, using street drugs/alcohol, under going chemotherapy or radiation therapy, taking certain medication.


TRUE or FALSE Mothers who breastfeed should not consume alcohol.

TRUE. No level of alcohol in breast milk is considered safe for a baby to drink. Alcohol passes into breastmilk. 


How does the body make more breast milk?

The body makes more milk when milk is effectively removed from the breast by baby feeding, pumping or hand expressing. 


Name 3 benefits of breastfeeding for mom

Weight loss; Decreased risk of ovarian and breast cancer; Delays the return of the mother’s menstrual period; Lessens osteoporosis (bone loss); Promotes emotional health; Costs less to breastfeed


All breastfeeding mothers have sore nipples at first.

True or False?

False. Many breastfeeding mothers never have sore nipples. 


TRUE or FALSE A nursing mother needs extra food to produce milk for her baby.

True. A breastfeeding mother will need about 500 more calories per day than before she was pregnant. Ingesting extra calcium is particularly important for nursing mothers, too.


How often should a breastfed baby eat?

A. Three time a day

B. Six times a day

C. Eight to twelve times a day

D. Four times a day

C. Eight to twelve times a day. This is more often than formula fed babies eat, because breastmilk is digested more quickly. However, babies should be fed on demand about every two hours. A baby who is hungry may cry, put hand to mouth to show he/she is hungry


Name 2 components of colostrum (the first milk mom produces)

carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins and (antibodies and probiotics) that fight disease-causing bacteria and viruses.


Breastmilk changes during a feed. What is the name of the milk that tends to appear later in the feeding and has a high fat content (helps baby's to gain weight well and feel full longer)



To maintain a schedule, a breastfed baby should only be fed every three hours

False. Breastfed babies should be fed on demand. In general, newborns feed every one to three hours. Breastfed babies should NOT be kept on a feeding schedule. 


Breastfed children are less likely to have;

A. Diarrhea

B. Ear infections

C. Pneumonia

D. All of the above

D. (All of the above)


TRUE or FALSE I should not take any medication when breastfeeding.

FALSE Some medications are safe take while breastfeeding. Discuss with your doctor or public health nurse. Certain medications can be dangerous to take while breastfeeding.


What is the theme of last year world breastfeeding week? 

The theme of 2018 was “Foundation of Life”


What is the name of a breast infection caused by an untreated plugged duct. The area may turn red and be warm to touch



Which hormone makes the body to produce milk?



TRUE or FALSE Once a baby starts eating solids at 6 months they no longer need breast milk for nutrients.

FALSE Once solids are started it is important to continue breastfeeding as your baby will continue to receive many benefits such as water, nutrition, protection from disease, it helps the baby to digest the solid food.


Name 3 ways a mother can tell the baby is getting enough breastmilk ?

Wet diapers/Soiled diapers; Gaining weight; Mouth moist; Breasts feel soft after a feed; Baby satisfied after feeding; Baby sleeps well
