You should expect breastfeeding to hurt.
What is false? Breastfeeding, when the baby is attached correctly, should not hurt.
Formula is just as good (or better than) breastmilk
What is false? Breastmilk contains hundreds of compounds that science has not even idenitifed yet.
This is the best way to make more milk.
What is nurse more often? Frequent feedings at the breast encourage mom's body to make more milk for her growing baby.
Newborns should eat this many times per day.
What is 10-12? Frequent feedings are necessary for babies to grow adequately, to slowly stretch their stomachs, and to increase mom's milk supply.
This person is a WIC mother who will support my decisions about how to feed my baby.
What is a breastfeeding peer counselor? I am a Peer Counselor for WIC and am here to answer your questions or concerns, or to find someone who can! We have 4 IBCLCs in the office.
When babies are nursing well, getting milk, and not hurting mom they probably have a good ______.
What is "latch"? "Latch" is what we call how baby's mouth fits on mom's breast. Babies latch on with wide mouths and take in a lot of mom's nipple and areola. A "good" latch is when baby is effectively drinking milk (listen for swallowing, jaw movement, chin buried in breast, lips turned out or not visible) and mom is comfortable (baby's latch is taking in much of her breast and not rubbing or pinching).
A baby should gain this many ounces per week in the first 2 months of life.
What is 4-6 ounces per week?
WIC offers these for mothers to learn about breastfeeding.
What is a breastfeeding class? WIC offers several classes in person or zoom during business hours and I will do them outside of business hours if you ask!
Breastmilk has this many components: dozens, hundreds, or thousands.
What is thousands? Breastmilk has thousands of components in it, some of which science cannot even identify, more or less replicate and put in a can. Artificial Baby Milks have recently started adding DHA and ARA to try to be “more like breastmilk” but the only thing REALLY like breastmilk is the REAL thing.
Giving bottles and pacifiers early in a baby's life may (HELP) or (HARM) the breastfeeding relationship. (Pick one)
What is harm? Because these nipples are shaped differently and work differently, the baby learns to suck differently on them. The amount of time a baby spends sucking on an artificial nipple also cuts down on the amount of time the baby is at the breast, and may reduce mom's milk supply.