Breastfeeding Facts
Breastfeeding Myths
Breastfeeding Benefits
Breastfeeding Challenges
Breastfeeding Hodgepodge
What is the recommended length of time for exclusive breastfeeding?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, followed by breastfeeding in combination with the introduction of complementary foods until at least 12 months of age, and continuation of breastfeeding for as long as mutually desired by mother and baby.
What are some reasons why a breastfeeding woman shouldn't supplement with artificial baby milk, especially early on in breastfeeding? ** Page 25- Question 17**
Less stimulation to the breast, therefore decreased milk production

Nipple confusion

May interfere with absorption of some nutrients in breastmilk
What are three important things to discuss with a breastfeeding woman? **Page 24 - Question 11**
Feed frequently


Latching on

6-week postpartum checkup

Family planning

Breastfeeding support

How to know baby is getting enough

Women who fully breastfeed receive more foods for themselves and their infant than moms who receive formula form WIC
What suggestions would you give a mother that did not have enough milk?

**Page 26 - Question 18c**
Feed frequently

Skin to skin contact with baby will help stimulate breastmilk production

Stimulate Breast by Hand Expression

Show weight gain is adequate

Determine 6-8 wet diapers and at least 1 bowel movement a day

Describe three signs of correct latch on.

**Page 24 - Question 12a**
Rhythmic sucking with swallowing sounds

Baby's head is correctly placed (close to body, mouth completely covering nipple, lips curled outward, tongue coving lower gums, nose and chin touching breast.

Lack of pain
What is a difference between breast milk and formula?
Breastmilk has over 200 ingredients that formula does not have. These ingredients help protect against disease and promote the best growth and development.

Many people think formula is the same as breastmilk. This is not true. Formula companies add ingredients to formula as they learn more about breastmilk. They cannot make the ingredients that protect babies from many illnesses.

A better name for formula may be “artificial baby milk”, or ABM because it is an unnatural, man-made product.
I will not have enough breastmilk to feed my baby because my mother did not have enough. True or False **Page 24 - Question 12b**

The mother will be more comfortable breastfeeding if she is educated to know the sign to show her that her newborn is being breastfed properly:

6-8 wet diapers and 1 bowel movement each day(after milk is in)

Baby content

Baby gains weight
How does breastfeeding benefit the baby?

** Page 17 - Question 17 b**
Matches baby's nutritional need

Fat, protein and iron well absorbed

Increases immunity to diseases

Rarely causes allergic reactions

Increases bonding with mother

May increase baby's IQ
What support can you give to a breastfeeding woman who plans to return to work or school?

**Page 27 - Question 20**

Plans to pump and store milk

Caregiver needs - guidelines for storing and thawing milk.

Maintaining milk supply - nursing as frequently as possible when at home
What suggestions would you give to a mother that has a poor latch on.

**Page 25 - Question 18d**
Wait for infant to open mouth wide

Properly position baby, trying new positions, using a pillow or other support to get comfortable.

Watch for infant to fully cover nipple with lips flanged

Reposition if signs of pain
Aproximately how many calories does breastfeeding burn per day?
Exclusive breastfeeding may burn up to 500 calories per day
Women with small breasts produce less milk than those with large breasts.

True or false?

The size of one's breasts is not associated with one’s milk supply.
How does breastfeeding benefit the mother?

**Page 17 - Question 17b**
Increased bonding with infant

Increased calorie expenditure

Easy to prepare and carry

Saves Money

Helps the uterus to contact after delivery

May help prevent breast or ovarian cancer

Decreased bleeding after delivery

Fewer work days missed
What breastfeeding positions are best used after a C-section?

**Page 25 - Question 16**
"Football" hold or clutch position

Lying down

Cross-cradle position
What would you suggest to a mother that has sore nipples.

**Page 25 - Question 18a**
Feed frequently

Proper positioning

Evaluate latch on

If problem continues or if mom has cracked or bleeding nipples...

Refer her to a Lactation Specialist ?or her health care provider.
How long can Breastmilk can be safely stored in the refrigerator? Freezer? **Page 25 - Questions 19a & 19b**
Refrigerator- 3 days

Freezer - 6 months
What are two myths that people have about breastfeeding?

**Page 19 - Question 18b**
Mother's anger or nervousness makes milk "bad"

Breast are to small to breastfeed

Breastfeeding is painful

Mother must have a perfect diet to breastfeed
List 3 ways that breastfeeding saves money.
Breastfeeding saves the family budget thousands of dollars each year (infant formula, baby bottles and nipples accumulate in cost over time).

Other benefits include the potential for decreased annual health care costs of $3.6 billion in the United States by reducing infant and childhood morbidity; decreased costs for public health programs such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), which provides infant formula

Decreased parental employee absenteeism and associated loss of family income.

Decreased environmental burden for disposal of formula cans and bottles.
What would you suggest to a mother that is feeding her baby infrequently (when breastmilk is the sole nutrition)?

**Page 26 - Question 18e**
Check weight

Keep record of feeding times and intervals

Identify and problem solve barriers to breastfeeding

Try to keep baby awake for feedings
What is the best advice you can give to a breastfeeding mother to help her produce enough milk?

**Page 25 - Question 14**
Nurse when baby exhibits feeding cues, on demand, at least 8-12 times in 24 hours.

Skin to skin contact

Do not offer a bottle in the first month of life.
How is colostrum different from mature breastmilk? **Page 25 Question 13**
Clear or yellow

Higher in protein

Lower in fat

Higher in IgA
A woman can never drink or smoke while she is breastfeeding.

True or false?

The American Academy of Pediatrics states "tobacco smoking by mothers is not a contraindication to breastfeeding".

In addition, the AAP states that, while breastfeeding mothers "should avoid the use of alcoholic beverages," an "occasional celebratory single, small alcoholic drink is acceptable, but breastfeeding should be avoided for 2 hours after the drink".
One important health benefit of breastfeeding is prevention of obesity.

True or False

The greatest protection is seen when breastfeeding is exclusive and continues for more than three months.
What are two barriers discouraging women from breastfeeding?

**Page 18 - Question 18a**
Lack of support

Lack of confidence

Work or school



Busy Lifestyles
What suggestion would you give a mom dealing with engorgement?

**Page 26 - Question 18b**
If milk is flowing massage & apply a warm moist compress before breastfeeding

If milk is not flowing apply cold compresses - SEEK HELP!

Lean breasts into bowl of warm water & massage

Reverse Pressure Softening- Apply pressure around nipple

Hand express or pump until softer

Breastfeed often! (10 -12 times in 24 hrs)

Apply cold compresses between feedings ?

If baby is still having problems latching on… Refer her to a lactation specialist.