Breast Milk
Advantages of breastfeeding for infants
These are the best position for breastfeeding (3)
What is side lying, sitting position, football hold
This is the hormone that stimulates the production of milk
What is prolactin?
This yellowing of the skin may occur in infants due to elevated bilirubin
What is jaundice?
Breast milk provides __________ and __________ for the infant.
What is nutrition and immunity?
This assessment tool may be used to help assess breastfeeding progress
What is the LATCH assessment?
Brushing the infants cheek with the breast nipple stimulates this reflex which causes the infant to turn to the breast
What is rooting reflex?
This is the thin watery yellow fluid made of protein, sugar, fat, water, minerals, vitamins, and maternal antibodies that continues production 3-4 days after birth
What is colostrum?
This can occur on the 3rd or 4th day after birth when milk forms. A woman will notice breast distention along with hardness, tenderness, and sometimes heat in the breast. Breast may appear red, tense, and shiny.
What is engorgement?
This enzyme in breast milk actively destroys bacteria by dissolving their cell membranes, and possibly increasing effectiveness of antibodies
What is lysozyme?
Breastfeeding can serve a protective function and may help prevent what two cancers?
What is breast and ovarian cancer?
You are educating a patient on how to help the infant to break away from the breast after feeding. You would give her what instructions
Insert a finger in the corner of the infants mouth or pulling down on the infants chin. This helps release suction & helps to prevent nipple cracking and soreness
This hormone aids in the let down of milk and uterine involution
What is oxytocin?
These are instruction to give a patient to relieve engorgement
Warm packs appliped to both breasts or standing under a warm shower, massage to help milk flow, and manual expression or using a breast pump to help good milk supply
Breastfed newborns appear to regulate __________ and _______ levels better. These regulated levels can prevent tetany.
What is calcium and phosphorus
This is how to tell a breastfeed infant is receiving enough to eat
-Having 6-8 wet diapers in 24hrs -No more than 10% weight loss during the 1st week of life -Good skin turgor -Sleeps between feedings
These are the two parts of the breast the infant must suck when breastfeeding
What is the areola and nipple
This is how long breast milk can be refrigerated
What is 5 days?
You are educating a patient on breastfeeding. You tell her that painful nipples result from the strong sucking action of the infant. List some other causes that can worsen painful nipples.
-Improper positioning of baby -Forcefully pulling an infant from the breast -Allowing the baby to suck too long on a breast after it is empty -Allowing a nipple to remain wet from leaking milk
This is a protein that protects against viruses
What is interferon?
This is how much fluid a breastfeeding mother should take in
What is 4-6 eight oz glasses of fluid
Doing this technique is no longer recommended, not only is not necessary, it also releases oxytocin which could lead to preterm labor.
What is nipple rolling?
Constantly forming milk is called _________ while new milk is called ________ milk.
What is fore milk and hind milk?
A patient comes to you complaining of sore nipples. List some interventions she can do resolve and prevent this problem. (6)
-Position baby slightly different each feeding -Expose nipples to air so the nipple dries after feeding, leave bra unsnapped for 10-15 mins -Discourage use of plastic liners that come in nursing bras -Apply lanolin to nipples after air exposure to toughen nipple -Apply a few drops of breast milk to the nipple after feeding and gently massaging -Do not use hand pumps can use electric or battery operated pump
This is a specific growth promoting factor for lactobacillus bifidus, which in breast milk helps to reduce diarrhea
What is Bifidus factor?
What should the stools of a breastfed infant look like vs. that of a formula fed infant
Stool should be looser and lighter in color compared to formula fed babies.