Aware, Alert, Affirm

Sound is energy...

True or False

What is True...

Is energy made from air molecules vibrate in patterns known as sound waves.


Global warming means it can get hotter in the summer and colder in the winter?

What is True...

Global warming is directly related to climate changes across the globe. Unpredictable floods, droughts and more intense hurricanes.


Can animals sense changes in air?

What is... YES

They can sense the change in air pressure days before a large storm 


Cities, towns and villages have a noise ordinance...

True or False

What is True...

Each of these have a Noise Ordinance rule/law stating how early or late loud noises/noise pollution can be used.  


How many steps are in each category?

What is 

Aware - 4

Alert - 5 

Affirm - 4


What is a decibel and what does it describe?

a. How big something sounds?

b. The distance of a sound?

c. Pressure of a sound?

d. It is a type of musical instrument?

What is C...

Sound is measured in decibels (dB) which describe the intensity of the sound in the human ear.


Name the THREE types of Fossil fuels...

What is Coal, Oil and Natural Gas

Refer to page 35 in the journey book for a full explanation of the history of each...


Indoor air of bathrooms, classrooms, cafeterias and gyms are more polluted...

True or False 

What is True..

Due to the fact these rooms have FOUR times the human density of most offices. AND if toxic cleaning substances are used in them those can be inhaled or taken in through skin contact!


Which element is the most harmful...

a. Carbon Dioxide

b. Methane

c. Krypton

d. Hydrogen

What is B. Methane

Methane is a Greenhouse gas. The more of this in the atmosphere the hotter the planet gets. This can cause all sorts of environmental issues. 


In Aware you had to maintain what type of data?

What is your personal air log

Pages 14 - 15


Unwelcome noises floating through the air are commonly referred to as? 

What is noise pollution

Unwelcome noises that cause stress. Noise pollution goes away as soon as the noise stops but you can still deal with frayed nerves... 


How long does it take for a brown cloud from China to reach Southern California?

a. 24 hours

b. 2 days

c. 4 days

d. 7 days

What is a week (7 days)

This is roughly the same amount of time it would take to drive there (if you could drive across the ocean)


Define Energy Star rating in one sentence...

Bonus: what types of products are Energy Star rated?

What is a certification the product has met certain criteria to be more energy efficient.

Bonus: Appliance, light blubs, 


How many acres of forest have been lost between 1990 and 2005.

a. 173 million

b. 250 million

c.  125 million

d. 315 million

What is A. 173 Million 

What is known as deforestation is the destruction of forests without any replanting efforts. 


Name ONE way we discussed how to Alert others about air quality issues in your neighborhood/community... 

What is:

Make a poster

Film a video

Create a brochure


Name TWO of the ways (suggested in the journey) to secure some quiet breathing room for yourself...when you need some space

What is...

Lighting a candle

Lie in the grass looking up at the clouds, sky, trees

Make yourself a cup of tea, watch the steam rising

Close your eyes and dream of a place you like 

Find a poem, story or quote that inspires you


How many allergens find there way into your home every day?

a. 916 million

b. 72 trillion

c. 115 billion

d. 18 trillion

What is B..

These allergens can be dust particles and dust mites amongst others.


Give TWO examples of Air-related careers...

What are: 

Astronaut, Airline Pilot, Sailing Instructor, Atmospheric Scientist, Radio Announcer, Evironmental Scientist, Farmers, Forest and Conservation, Marine & Naval Engineers, Landscape Architects, Zoologists


If you can eat it, you can safely clean with it...

True or False

What is True

Instead of using chemicals to clean you can use the following: vinegar, baking soda, lemon, ketchup, olive oil


Explain why is Affirm the last award of this journey?

What is because we are to prove that we accomplished our goal to educate others on air quality issues in our neighborhood/community


Multitasking is balancing more than one task at a time. Can you guess the # of media used by 14-21 year olds while doing their homework...

a. 1 - 3

b. 2 - 4

c. 5 - 8

d. 6 - 9

What is C...

The number of media used by 1/3 of 14-21 year olds while doing their homework

Ex: Cell phones, music, video streaming, texting, tv 


Which of these ladies did a Take Action Project related to air quality issues for her Gold Award?

a. Liz Duffy Adams - wrote a play

b. Gabriela McCall Delgado - studied Birds

c. Marie Antoine  - studied Lichens

d. Trudy Forsyth - studied Wind

Who is... B Gabriela McCall Delgado

On pages 56-57 in the journey it explains Gabriela Bringing Birds to People Take Action Project in Puetro Rico 


Name the four elements basic to everything on Earth...

a. Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets

b. Sun, Moon, Earth and Air

c. Air, Fire, Water and Planets

d. Fire, Water, Air and Earth

What is D...

Ancient Greeks and Native Americans believed Earth, Water, Fire and Air were the four basic elements to everything on Earth


Name at least one source of Renewable Energy: 

Hint: you can see, feel and hear these things

What are:





In Girl Scouts each Journey teaches THREE things.. What are they?

What is...

Discover + Connect + Take Action = Leadership
