This device is what Brian broke most his first year of college
This is the name of the first 5k Brian has ever participated in
Rocky Run (November 2024)
The drama series Brian is currently binging
The Sopranos
Ben and Jerrys
This is the name of the girl Brian nominated "hottest girl at the table" for $100 at his Chilis birthday bash 2024
Megan Beal Russell
This is the name of Brian's freshman year roommate from hell
Zach (Big red hoodie long blond hair)
The town where Brian grew up
Springfield, Maryland OR outside DC
This is Brian's beloved music streaming platform, featuring playlist names like "summer Sunday grocery shopping and reset" and "cool xD"
Brian's favorite sport
This mispronunciation is what Brian stated to HokeyPokey when picking up weed for Emma his first time
"I'm here for the oz"
This vibrant color is what Brian chose as his new hair color freshman year
The year Brian quit instagram
Freshman year
"everythingisromantic" is the username used by Brian on this platform
Brians favorite hobby
This costume earned Brian a proper twerk from a lovely lady Halloweekend 2022
Soulja Boy
The location Brian spent most of his meal swipes freshman year
Bento Sushi
These are the names of Brian's younger brother and sister
Brianna, Elbert
This instrument is what Brian plays in his pastime
This snack was Brian's guilty pleasure last year
Pita Chips
The first time Brian smoked with this object
Cecil Skate Park with Emma's Rick and Morty Bong
This is a famous quote often said by Brian when with friends freshman year
Let's get fried and watch a movie
The name of Brian's stuffed animal
The sport Brian played in high school
This is the title of Brian's favorite movie
Kids, Virgin Suicides, American Beauty, Moonlight
This substance got Brian so fried, cooked, geeked, etc.
Nerds Rope