Old Brick

These three people didn’t care about practice in the morning and only cared for a good time… One was recording, one was chugging from a pool noodle while taped to the wall, and one was pouring a drink into the pool noodle!

Who is Zach Krantz, Aiden Kennedy, and Nick Fournier?


After being planned since he was a freshmen, this person was taped onto the ceiling following the celebration of winning NE10s. 

Who is Nick Fournier?


Putting blood, sweat, and tears into his craftsmanship Ben made something that would've been a staple in Brick.0, but during spring formal this object was broken in old bricks living room.

What is the Zynley Cup?


The King of SCSU, Jordan Schiffman, made it a running joke that JD was the star of this movie/book series.

What is the Harry Potter series?


A place of much action! This bowling alley was known for mischievous doings, including many times people getting kicked out for stealing.

Where is Circle Lanes?


A profitable trip it was! These people stole at least $500 worth of Pokémon cards as well as a shopping cart.

Who is Aiden, Jacob, Zach, Jack, JT, or Fournier?


A meet that is a stealers gold mine, leave your cap around and it will be mine. Samir stole this persons cap at NE10s. 

Who is Ryan kakimseit?


This NARP that was once banned from brick due to being weird towards some of the swive women.

Who is Collin? 

(JT's friend)


After a tragic incident during a football game, this Buffalo Bills player was mocked by jd by taking a snap of himself playing dead. 

Who is Damar Hamlin?


Having a few too many drinks, this man lost his job due to him spitting on a bouncer.

Who is Dylan Prescher?


Although a chain for the masses, their Fort Lauderdale location was not safe from the hands of Samir, Dylan, and Zach.

What is Bubba Gump Co.?


After the big transfer, this Adelphi Panther was happy to make a big splash with his third place finish in the 4x800 relay, and couldn't wait to post it on social media.

Who is Tim Kanaley?


This freshman can tell you throwing up and sleeping in the same spot is not pleasant. Then waking up and having the occupants of Brick making you clean the rug is worse!

Who is Kris Janney?

With whom did JD argue with, and end up crying about, in Florida because of a feud about who was going to better the other in the 200IM at NE10s?

Who is Kobe Dominguez?


SCSU Swive isn’t only for nearby folk! these  three swive men aren't originally from any of the New England states.

Who is Drew, Lucas, and Elliot?


managing not getting caught by the coaches or TSA, these two buffoons took acid before the flight to Florida.

Who is Dylan Prescher and Mike Aiello?


When 'celebrating' in the locker room after the big win, this man walked in on a few of the men shotgunning and urged us to never do it again. 

Who is CJ Moran?


Held at Brick during one of the last weekends of the 2024 spring semester, this team of four took home the win during the case race.


Who is Travis, JT, Dylan, and Samir?


Besides the blue 'SC' tattoo after only half a season with the program, his last name, and his 'g' for his girlfriend that he cheated on, jd is so patriotic that he has this tattoo above his knee.

What is "1776" or The date of the Declaration of Independence?


At the highly competitive 2023-2024 Alumni meet the men put together an A relay but still couldn't compete against the Alumni relay and lost fair and square. Name at least three of the people on the relay that beat ours.

Who is Chandler Tucker, Leo Laporte, Tyler Cusano, and Bryce Castellone?


Clearly not a trip for just the swimmers… Tim Quill has the tendency to stay at the casino/bar too long and miss these many practices…

What is five practices?


Besides diving, at the 2024 NE10 Championship meet southern took home silver in these 5 individual events on the men’s side.

What is the 50 free, 200IM, 400IM, 200 Breast, 200 Fly?


A jeopardy night all for the memories… the highlight being when this person took it too far and drew on franklins pants!

Who is Henry Velasquez/Mcallistar Milne?


A frisky, slutty boy he was! This Harry Potter look-alike has gotten with these people during his time apart from Grace. (Name at least 3)

Who is Faith Littleton, Abby Lyons, Brooke Keeney, or Sara Roney?


Although an old pool, the Hutchinson Natatorium has a wide range of depth. Going from around 12 1/2 feet deep to this many feet shallow.

What is five feet deep?
