Is Kloe left handed or right-handed
right handed
what is his supposed to be name instead of Johnathan?
The date and time of the wedding?
Saturday march 15th 5pm
who made the first move
what is the name of the reception building
Magnolia Square event center
what is the bride's future mother in laws maiden
What is the groom’s most annoying habit according to the bride
how many invites were sent
which pet is the biggest troublemaker
who many bridesmaids and groomsmen are there
14 all together
da baby
what is the groom's favorite icecream
brides cake
Where did Johnathan propose and what day
Avery island , July 27th
what is the name of the PLACEs the couple works at
johnathan - kia leblanc
kloe- exp realty "nonnie touchet & team"
What flavor is the wedding cake going to be
what is her end goal career wise
owner of a wedding venue, and apartment complex
What is the grooms nickname for the philo prather and theo
What are the dates of the honeymoon?
march 16th- march 27th
How long had the couple been together when the engagement happened
Since February 15th 2020
5 years
Which bridesmaid traveled farthest for the wedding
savannah, Biloxi
what is my go-to coffee order
medium French vanilla latte with extra creamer and extra ice
how does the groom like his eggs
he doesn't
what was the budget for the wedding
there was no budget, but we didn't want a big wedding
Where was their first trip together
gulf shores
what is Johnathan and kloe's birthdays
Johnathan July 3rd
kloe January 13th