What is Vanessa's ethnicity?
The population Vanessa works with currently
The country where Anthony proposed to Vanessa
What is Vietnam?
An activity Vanessa does where she uses a mic and sings
What is karaoke?
Her current pet she owns with Anthony
What is Nala?
What is Panhia and Pachia?
Vanessa made this type of drink during her first job
What is boba?
The college where Vanessa and Anthony met
Vanessa and Anthony picked up this sport in the last year
The first city she moved to
What is Fremont?
What is North Carolina?
Child Development
What was Vanessa's major in college?
The year Vanessa and Anthony first started dating
What is 2017?
The year of Vanessa's first EDC
What is 2022?
The boyfriend Vanessa had before Anthony
The number of siblings Vanessa has INCLUDING her parents (excluding her)
What is 9?
Her current job title
What is
May 25th, 2025
Photographers would hit up Vanessa on Instagram to ask her to do what activity
What is modeling?
Her first international rave event that she still talks about to this day
What is Ember Shores?
The number Vanessa is in order of oldest to youngest in her siblings
What is 4/fourth?
Vanessa has had this many jobs since moving to the Bay Area
What is 3?
Where Anthony and Vanessa plan to go for their honey moon
What is Japan?
Vanessa started doing this hobby to save money on her.... _______. She practiced doing them on her sister
What is nails/gel X nails?
The filipino dish Anthony's family was surprised Vanessa likes
What is dinuguan?