Who is P.T
Prince Terrain
Leslie's dog
What is something Jesse is afraid of
Rain at Terabithia
Where does Leslie live?
The Perkins Place
What is Terabithia?
An imaginary kingdom where Jess and Leslie play
Who is Judy Burke?
Leslie's mother
What is Jesse's favorite hobby
drawing/ art
Does Leslie have siblings?
on a rope, they swing across a creek
Who is Bill Burke
Leslie's Father
Who is Jesse's favorite sister?
what is Leslies relationship like with her parents?
They love eachother and are close.
What is the weather like at Terabithia right now?
Very muddy, rainy, wet, damp
Who is Miss. Edmunds
Jesse has a morning chore everyday. What is it?
To milk Miss Bessie
Who is Leslie's best friend?
Who are the rulers of Terabithia?
Jesse and Leslie
Who are Jesse's four sisters
Maybelle, Ellie, Brenda, and Joyceann
How does Jesse feel about his parents
He wants them to love him, but they are very tough on him forcing him to not be close with his family.
loyal, kind, free spirited, creative
How does Jesse and Leslie feel when they are at Terabithia
They feel free and can be whoever they want to be with no judgment.