12 Steps
Effects of Drugs/Alcohol on the Body
Co-Occurring Disorders
Drug/Alcohol Education
Long Term Effects
Recite the Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
Alcohol is a (stimulant/depressant)?
What is a Co-Occurring Disorder?
An individual who has a substance use disorder and a mental-health disorder. Also sometimes called "Dual Diagnosis." Physical safety and overall health risks are greater. Chances of successful treatment decrease.
What is the most high risk way to take a drug?
Intravenous. Risking contraction of diseases, weakened veins, abscesses, scars on arms, open wounds more prone to infection.
What are the stages of change?
Precontemplation ƒContemplation ƒPreparation ƒAction Maintenance
True or False? There is a time limit to complete this program.
False. There is never a set finish date. It varies per individual.
Can you contract a disease by abusing drugs?
Yes! Hepatitis, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, stroke, HIV/AIDS, cancers.
Name at least 3 co-occurring disorders?
1. General anxiety disorder 2. Social anxiety disorder 3. Depression 4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Name some ways drug use can affect you. Think in terms of socially, financially, sociologically, etc.
Loss of friends, money, job, children, home, value of self and things.
What is the difference between "addiction" and "abuse"?
Abuse- Misuse of a drug to achieve a certain high. Still has control over their lives to an extent. May be able to refrain from using and not experience withdrawal symptoms. Individual can hide it well from outsiders. Still damaging organs! Addiction or chemical dependency- Recurrent or chronic use (often daily), that results in a physiological and/or psychological "need" for the drug as a matter of survival, causing severe and/or chronic negative life consequences. The individuals life is fully encompassed by the obsession to use drugs and live the accompanying lifestyle. Abuse-
"We admitted we were __________ over (drug) and that our lives had become ______________." Fill in the blanks, and what is this quote from?
Powerless, unmanageable. Step 1 of AA.
Can drugs affect my sexual performance?
How can co-occurring disorders be treated?
Because you are treating both a psychiatric disorder and substance abuse, a combination of treatments are proved more helpful to tackle both ends of their diagnosis.
What is an Opiate?
A group of drugs used to treat pain. Comes from a poppy plant that produces opium. Term is sometimes used to refer to close relatives of opium such as codeine, morphine, and heroin. Others may include vicodin, oxycontin, dilaudid and fentanyl.
Can you develop cancer from abusing alcohol?
Yes! Cancer of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver and breast!
What is a main requirement to join an AA/NA program?
Must show a willingness or desire to stop using.
What parts of the body does drug use affect?
ALL OF THEM!! It can take just one time use of a drug, or progressively over time to break down and destroy your organs. They are all connected, so when one stops working, it becomes a domino effect.
How long does treatment last?
Continuous process.
What is the difference between a stimulant and a depressant?
Depressants slow normal brain function. Delayed responses. Examples: Alcohol, Valium, Xanax, Librium, barbiturates. Stimulants elevate the mood, increase feelings of well being, energy, and alertness. Repeated use of stimulants can cause feelings of paranoia and hostility. Examples: Cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, MDMA, nicotine, caffeine.
Can you recover and maintain a sober life after using for a few years, decades even?
Why is it important to have a sponsor?
Someone who has actually worked the 12 steps has a better understanding and will be more confident in helping another. Sometimes, giving a person someone else to feel responsible for can help THEM focus on more positive aspects of life.
What is the ultimate result of drug use?
Can a co-occurring disorder develop at any time during your life?
Yes. It can start young in childhood, or gradually appear over time. "Self medicate"
What is Antabuse?
Antabuse is a drug mainly used to help people stop drinking. It works by making you sick to your stomach every time you have a drink. Associating a drink with physical sickness will help the individual to not think about drinking, or decreasing their urge.
What is the name of the serious brain condition that results in mental confusion, paralysis of nerves of eyes, and difficulty with muscle coordination as a result of severe long term drinking?
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Wernicke- Speech/language Korsakoff- Memory