Who wrote the song "Goodness of God?"
Who is Bethel Worship (also accepted: Jenn Johnson)
Finish the lyrics to the chorus: "We sing Christ and Christ crucified..."
What is "in you we're raised from death to life."
Listen and guess the key of this song... "Communion"
What is the key of C
Which Bridgeway Music team member is from Panama?
Who is Antony Morales
Who wrote the song "Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me?"
Who is City Alight
Finish the lyrics to the verse: "Let the king of my heart be the mountain where I run,"
What is "the fountain I drink from, oh he is my song."
Listen and guess the key of this song... "King of Kings"
What is the key of D
Which Bridgeway Music team member is good at surfing?
Who wrote the song "Faith More Precious than Gold?"
Who is Mission House
Finish the lyrics to the bridge: "Now my debt is paid, it is paid in full by the precious blood that my Jesus spilled..."
What is "Now the curse of sin has no hold on me. Whom the Son sets free, oh is free indeed."
Listen and guess the key of this song... "No Longer Slaves"
What is the key of Bb
Which Bridgeway Music team member drives a motorcycle?
Who is James Stockman or Tyler Evans
Who wrote the song "He Reigns?"
Who is Newsboys
Finish the verse: "Wonderful, merciful Savior, precious redeemer and friend..."
What is: "Who would have thought that a lamb could rescue the souls of men? Oh, you rescue the souls of men."
Listen and guess the key of this song... "Living Hope"
What is the key of Eb
According to Hayden Hefner, which team member is a beast at stealing a basketball on the court?
Who is Jesse Owen
Who wrote the song "All Creatures of Our God and King?"
Who is William Henry Draper (also accepted: St. Francis of Assisi)
Finish the verse: "In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light my strength my song. This Cornerstone this solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm..."
Listen and guess the key of this song... "Son of Suffering"
What is the key of Db
Which Bridgeway Music team member plays a 12-string acoustic guitar on Sundays?
Who is Earl "Tippy" Stewart