An environment is considered the ____ teacher in the classroom
Children need how many minutes of movement / outdoor play?
One of our signature practices is to provide moments of one to one interactions with each child. Also known as..
Prime Times
in 1999 this Bright Horizons foundation was formed
Bright Horizons Foundation for Children
What is the definition of a provocation
Experiences designed to promote exploration discovery and problem solving.
How often should emergency backpacks be checked and restocked?
Monthly, or sooner if supplies are needed.
How many children can sit in a 6 person buggy?
All seats in the buggies can now be used. Toddlers please try your best to continue walks with your children and use the buggies only if your children are not all able to walk, or you have a planned idea of seeing something that may be too far for them to walk
What are three things that Family Style Dining entail?
Children scooping food
Children pouring milk and water
Teachers sitting with children.
CHILD CENTERED DINING (formerly known as Family Style Dining) is now permitted in classrooms!!
How many times has Bright Horizons been named for one of fortune's 100 best companies to work for?
What is the only item you can not have for dress up in dramatic play
Face items - dress up clothing that goes over their head is now permitted.
When is handwashing performed?
-Upon entering the classroom - INCLUDING PLAYGROUND
- Before and After meals/bottles
- Before and after sensory play
- After toileting/diapers
- bodily fluids
-Touching masks
What 2 type of structured learning opportunities should be brought out onto the playground?
Gross motor
Dramatic Play
True or False:
Planned transitions should not include movement and songs.
Transitions should include movement and songs.
Name two resources Bright Horizons (online) provides to families
True or False: Sensory Tables can be used in the classrooms.
TRUE!! Sensory tables are now allowed in the classroom! Sand, water, EVERYTHING! Playdough can be used as one large group - no longer need to have separate sensory for each child. Please keep containers - clean them out and store in Toddler 4 closet.
When are name to faces performed?
-A teacher entering or leaving a classroom.
-Upon departure but before exiting the location.
-Upon arrival but before entering the new location.
-No more than two hours
How many children are able to sit in a 6 person buggy?
All seats in the buggies can now be used. Toddlers please try your best to continue walks with your children and use the buggies only if your children are not all able to walk, or you have a planned idea of seeing something that may be too far for them to walk
Fill in the 2 missing words:
In an inclusive and diverse classroom children see themselves reflected _____ and have the opportunities to see the world around them ____
Mirrors and Windows
What does HEART stand for?
Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Respect, Teamwork
How often should classroom toys (on shelves) be switched out?
Based on children's curiosity and play. Materials are rotated regularly to foster children's interests.
each area of the classroom rotated AT LEAST on a monthly basis
When performing transition tracking when are child counts performed
As the exit the room / playground.
Each doorway they pass
Each time a teacher enters/leaves the classroom.
No more than two hours
When can teachers take masks off during the day?
To drink water
Socially distanced at nap time to eat a snack
*Teachers would take their masks off in the classroom sanitize hands - transition.
upon entering the classroom put on mask and wash hands
Which of these are NOT an infant signature practice
Daily exposure to the arts
Daily outdoor exploration
Maximizing Prime Times
Fostering Language Development
Fostering Language Development - this is a signature practice for Toddlers.
Infants is Reading daily.
Bright Horizons operates over 1,000 centers world wide! Name 2 countries where you can find a Bright Horizons