How many disciples did Jesus have in His inner circle?
Who were the Pharisees?
Religious leaders of the church.
What did Jesus offer the woman at the well?
Living water ( The Holy Spirit)
True or False:
Jesus wants us to judge others and hold them to high standards.
Jesus calls ________ people.
Ordinary or regular
What did Jesus say to His disciples when he met them?
Come follow me.
What did Jesus call the Pharisees?
Who did the woman think Jesus was?
A prophet
What did Jesus say was in our eye?
Log or piece of wood
Which disciple was a doctor before he started following Jesus?
Jesus said He would make Simon Peter and his brother what?
Fishers of men.
The Pharisees tried to _______ like they were good.
Pretend/ Act
Where was the woman from?
True or False:
We will be judged by the same measure that we judge others.
This disciple betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
What was Matthew's job before he became a disciple?
A tax collector.
Jesus wants us to have ________ hearts.
What did Jesus tell the woman about herself?
She had 5 husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband.
It is not wrong to tell someone they're bad as long as you are doing it with _______
Love in our heart.
What was the name of Peter's brother
What was the name of the disciple that doubted Jesus?
For double points
What was his other name?
True or False:
We can clean our hearts and make them new all on our own.
Only Jesus can make our hearts clean.
Jesus said one day people would be able to worship where?
Anytime and anywhere
Before we tell someone they are doing bad, we should do what?
Make sure we think about the bad things we do.
True or False:
John the Baptist was one of Jesus' disciples