Favorite mobile game
Clash Royale/Clash
Explain my screen saver in detail
Smoking Curious George on green chair with white background
Favorite Sport
True or False, I have watched every skibbibi toilet
Free 100! Free 500 if you have done all the 100s! Free 1000 if you have done all the misilanious
Favorite Youtuber
MattPatt/Game Theory
How many Munchkin Expansions do I have
Whats the last show I have done
What person did I make an edit of with ai
How many pizzas have I eaten at pizza cafe in one sitting
Favorite song to listen to rn (not achepella)
Keep your head up Andy Grammer
How many pair of glasses do I have
Whats the big project I've worked on these past weeks
Lego Project
Favorite character from skibiti toilet
Plunger guy
What would I say my biggest mistake of 9th grade was
kelsey (barf)
Favorite 3 Cartoon Characters
Dewy, Ferb, Soos
How many Photos do I have- 270,271,272, or 275
Favorite class rn
Unkighted/film class
Kid to say n word
How many packs of fruit snacks have I fit in my mouth
Favorite thing to get at Walmart
double stuff Oreos and jolly rancher gummys
How many sweat shirts do I have
What is a game we always play (2 answers, if you get both you get 1000)
if you said poker If you said truth or dare
Your full Brain Rot!
What is my video game top 3 (There all tied for first)
Smash ultimate, new super Mario bros Wii, wii sports resort