Staff Trivia
You get an assignment on Monday that isnt due until Friday. What would be the responsible thing to do?
Do a little every day. Try to get it finished early, dont wait until the last minute.
You have a substitute teacher today. When she is explaining directions, your friend is being disruptive and wants you to join in. What should you do?
Show respect to the substitute teacher by paying attention and following directions.
Your mom really needs help with washing the dishes, but you really want to play Wii. What should you do?
Offer to help your mom with the dishes first, and then play when you are done.
What hot-lunch item is offered at least once a week?
Which CGBMS Staff member keeps chickens as pets?
Mrs. Beardsley
One of your friends knows the locker combination to your other friend's locker. She wants to open it up and take some gum. What should you do?
Tell her no, it is wrong to take something that doesnt belong to you.
A bunch of your classmates want to prank the teacher by messing up a game that is set up for the class. What should you do?
Tell your classmates to respect what has been set up, to leave it alone.
You are at the Piggly Wiggly and you see an older person struggling with their groceries, but the most popular girl in school is only a few parking spots away, and she looks away. What should you do?
Help the older person, and dont care what the popular girl thinks.
What sport activity is coming up that 5th through 8th grades can participate in?
Spring Track
What CGBMS staff member is traveling to Hawaii for Spring Break this year?
Mrs. Anderson
Your teacher asks you to bring a packet of papers to the office. You pass one of your friends in the hall, and she says "Hey, let's open it." What should you do?
Dont open the package, it could be confidential information you are not meant to see!
Your friends want to spray-paint words on the side of a train car. You know it is wrong. What should you do?
Tell them it is not your property, and they need to respect that it belongs to someone else and not to vandalize.
Everyone is bullying this one particular kid in gym class. Your classmates want you to join in. What should you say?
Encourage the student who is being picked on? Dont worry, you will get it next time! Good try, things like that.
8th Graders soar like what?
What CGBMS Staff Member was a summer intern at Nickelodeon in New York City?
Ms. Smittkamp
When taking a test, your teacher isnt looking your way. Your friend passes you a note asking for answers. What do you do?
Ignore it. Dont pass the note back. Cheating is wrong.
Your basement has been redone, and your friends come over and want to mess around with the workmen's tools that are still down there. What should you do?
Tell your friends that they arent your things, and you should leave them alone.
Your mom is sick with a cold, and is laying on the couch. She has a really big headache. What could you do?
Ask if she needs anything, bring her whatever she needs to help her feel better.
Before CGBMS was just the middle school, what did it "used" to be?
High School
Which CGBMS Staffmember ran a 50 mile run?
Mrs. Schwabenlender
You to go a friend's birthday party where his or her mom is not at home. You didnt know that. Everyone else starts acting crazy, doing things they wouldnt do if parents were around. What should you do?
Call your mom or dad to come and pick you up.
What does it mean to respect someone's "personal bubble"? How can you do this?
Respecting someone's "personal bubble" means you give the person his or her own space. It is respectful to not enter this space by putting your hands on someone or getting in his or her face.
You and your friends are shopping at Bayshore Mall. You see a working stuggling to lift some clothes and they fall to the ground. Your friends start laughing. What should you do?
Offer to help the worker to pick up the clothes.
What is the depth of the deep end of the Middle School Pool?
8 feet
What CGBMS staff member is a vegetarian?
Mrs. Ruona