Southern Colonies
New England
Middle Colonies
Name that Colony

He was the king who chartered England's first successful American colony

Who is King James I?


These people left England because they believed in journeying to find a spiritual homeland of religious freedom and opportunity for prosperity

Who are the Pilgrims?


Before becoming a colony of England, New York was previously a New World landholding of this European nation.

What is The Netherlands (Holland)?


This colony was created by James Oglethorpe, a former British soldier, who requested a proprietorship in order establish a safe haven for English debtors

What is Georgia?


The Dutch bought this island from Native Americans for the legendary price of $24.

What is Manhattan?


Jamestown was settled in this year.

What is 1607?


He wrote an account of the voyage and early settlement of the Plymouth colony and was also one of its first governors

Who is William Bradford?


He was a member of the Quakers and decided to use his family wealth and political connections to garner a proprietorship in the New World

Who is William Penn?


This Southern colony was known for its vast rice, indigo, and cotton plantations which hosted a large African slave population and was the seat of the colonies' first major township, Charleston. 

What is South Carolina?


She went on to establish the township of Portsmouth, Rhode Island after being exiled from Massachusetts for holding Bible studies in her home

Who was Anne Hutchinson?


The southern colonies were largely established for this reason...

What is economic gain?


After recognizing they were blown off course, the voyagers aboard the ship constructed this, one of America's first documents of self-determination and democratic civil leadership.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This city showed promises of permanence early and soon became the most populated colonial town by the early 1700s.

What is Philadelphia?


The House of Burgesses established the first democratic example of colonial government in this southern colony

What is Virginia?


After the execution of Charles I during England's Civil War, this man led the Parliamentary army to victory and established a temporary commonwealth

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


It was his frontier survival experience and bravery in brokering relations with the Powhatan's natives that helped the Jamestown colony establish permanence

Who is John Smith?


He went on to found the colony of Rhode Island after being forced to leave the Massachusetts colony for his religious convictions and belief in purchasing land from the Native Americans

Who is Roger Williams?

The account from Francis Pastorius describes the emergence and diversity of what other famous Pennsylvania town

What is Germantown?


This colony was established by the Baron of Baltimore, Lord Cecil Calvert, as a proprietorship given to him by Charles I and as a safe haven for English Catholics

What is Maryland?


It consisted of a series of violent uprisings in the mid-17th century led by native chief, Metacom, against New England colonists.

What is King Philip's War?


This was the first cash crop of the British New World colonies.

What is tobacco?


This is the year that the passengers of the Mayflower disembarked on Massachusetts soil

 What is 1620?


The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, believe strongly in this, meaning they refused to use violence of any kind for any reason

What is pacifism?


This colony was actually the site of England's first, but failed, attempt at establishing an American colony

What is North Carolina?


Most Puritan Calivinists understood their destiny as Pilgrims and interpreted events in their lives and community through this theological concept that asserts an predetermined order to all things

Predestination, Providence, God's sovereignty
