the wife of MacBeth
Who is Lady MacBeth?
three witches gave 3 prophecies to
Who are MacBeth and Banquo?
a guard for King Duncan and he later discovered King Duncan's body
Who is MacDuff?
troubled over deaths and committed suicide
Who is Lady MacBeth?
"Fair is foul and foul is fair" and "Things are not as they appear"
What is a false mask?
gave prophecy to MacBeth and Banquo
Who are the 3 witches?
MacBeth will be Thame of Cawdor
What is prophecy 1?
drug the guards, use a dagger and then kill the guards to frame them for the murder of King Duncan
What is the plan to kill King Duncan?
Good over evil wins and have friends over foes/enemies
What is the lesson learned from Macbeth?
MacBeth's castle
What is Inverness?
A skilled warrior, brave and loyal to King Duncan.
was killed in a fight with MacDuff
Who is MacBeth?
Prophecy 2
What is MacBeth will be King of Scotland?
wrote the play "MacBeth"
Who is William Shakespeare?
sons of King Duncan. later suspected of killing King Duncan because they left quietly back to Scotland
Who are Malcolm and Donaldbain?
how MacBeth told Lady MacBeth about the prophecies from the three witches?
What is a letter?
a skilled warrior who fought with MacBeth
Who is Banquo?
Prophecy 3
What is "Banquo's children will be kings"?
comment made by the three witches
What is "Fair is foul and foul is fair"?
first prophecy coming true
Who is MacBeth, Thame of Cawdor?
killed in a dagger fight by MacDuff
What is "How MacBeth died"?
the King of Scotland
Who is King Duncan?
who became suspicious when MacBeth became King of Scotland
Who is Banquo?
"Fair is foul and foul is fair" and "Things are not as they appear"
What is wearing a false mask?
the second prophecy coming true
Who is King MacBeth, King of Scotland?
relative and duty to protect the king
What are reasons to not kill king Duncan?