Romanticism & Etc.

Rationalism can be defined as

A. the superstitious thought of the seventeenth century.

B. the rule of reason in all areas of life.

C. the renewal of religious fervor.

D. both B and C.

B. the rule of reason in all areas of life.


Utilitarianism evaluates an action’s goodness or badness based on its production of

A. profit.

B. happiness.

C. pain.

D. pride.

B. happiness.


Tennyson’s poetry was deepened and enriched by

A. his marriage.

B. the birth of his first son.

C. the death of his best friend.

D. the training he received at Cambridge.

C. the death of his best friend.


Which of these philosophies maintains the strongest influence on writers of the modern period?

A. traditionalism

B. romantic transcendentalism

C. rationalism

D. primitivism

C. rationalism


What was Daniel Defoe’s most lasting contribution to the novel?

A. allegory

B. simile

C. journalistic realism

D. hyperbole

C. journalistic realism


Christians would agree with romantics on all the following points except that

A. human reason has limitations.

B. intuition has some validity.

C. the individual has value.

D. freedom from limitations is needed.

D. freedom from limitations is needed.


Who is the “Pilot” in Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar”?

A. Arthur Hallam and others like him who have “crossed the bar”

B. The “Divine and Unseen Who is alway guiding us”

C. Christ, who has prepared the way for us through His death

D. God the Father, who will judge us according to our works

B. The “Divine and Unseen Who is alway guiding us”


The intellectual position most characteristic of the modern period is

A. existentialism.

B. transcendentalism.

C. rationalism.

D. pluralism.

A. existentialism.


The essays found in Addison and Steele’s The Tatler and The Spectator are much like our present-day

A. gossip columns.

B. editorials.

C. headline news articles.

D. local news articles.

B. editorials.


Characteristics of romantic poetry include which of the following?

A. the poet as the primary subject

B. a highly individual perspective

C. an awe-inspiring atmosphere

D. all of the above

D. all of the above


The late-Victorian writer who had the most influence on modern literature was

A. Tennyson.

B. Hopkins.

C. Browning.

D. Arnold.

D. Arnold.


The typical modern poem relies on

A. rhyme.

B. meter.

C. rhythm.

D. none of the above.

C. rhythm.


What fundamental question does An Essay on Man seek to answer?

A. Why does God exist?

B. Why does evil exist?

C. When was man created?

D. How was man created?

B. Why does evil exist?


William Blake’s “London” condemns all the following institutions of society except

A. religion.

B. government.

C. family.

D. education.

D. education.


Christina Rossetti’s writing was affected most by the

A. pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

B. Italian writer Dante.

C. nature-loving romantics.

D. seventeenth-century Anglican devotional poets.

D. seventeenth-century Anglican devotional poets.


Yeats believed that answers for life were found in

A. art.

B. religion.

C. education.

D. all of the above.

A. art.


The eighteenth century became a great age of hymnody for all these reasons except

A. hymns provided a response to the neoclassical emphasis on rational control.

B. the neoclassical qualities important to good writing were important to writing a good hymn.

C. Isaac Watts’s great contributions to hymn writing influenced the growth of hymnody.

D. it continued the great hymn writing tradition set in the seventeenth century.

D. it continued the great hymn writing tradition set in the seventeenth century.


Wordsworth credited which of the following as being the major formative influence on his writing?

A. religion

B. nature

C. travel

D. education

B. nature


Most of Lewis Carroll’s poems in the Alice books are best described as

A. parodies.

B. lyrics.

C. narrative poems.

D. dramatic monologues.

A. parodies.


In Joyce’s “Araby,” the boy is prevented from leaving for the bazaar because

A. his uncle is late.

B. he has chores to do.

C. he is kept after school.

D. he is afraid to go alone.

A. his uncle is late.


Which one of the following lines from the poem Winter is an example of periphrasis?

A. “Wrapped in black glooms”

B. “Calm, sluggish, silent; till again, constrained”

C. “Thither the household feathery people crowd”

D. “The reeling clouds/Stagger with dizzy poise”

C. “Thither the household feathery people crowd”


As a result of his prose, Coleridge is known as the father of

A. Pantisocracy.

B. poetic diction.

C. modern literary criticism.

D. Biographia Literaria.

C. modern literary criticism.


Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” reflects all of the following except the

A. lingering pain of rejecting Christianity.

B. futility of trying to purge the miraculous from Christianity.

C. consoling power of man’s ability to rise above the past.

D. hopelessness of finding a replacement for the Christian faith.

C. consoling power of man’s ability to rise above the past.


Lawrence particularly despises the bourgeois’s love of

A. religion.

B. sports.

C. fashion.

D. money.

B. sports.


All of the following are hymns written by Charles Wesley except

A. “And Can It Be That I Should Gain.”

B. “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”

C. “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.”

D. “Soldiers of Christ, Arise.”

B. “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”


As a result of his prose, Coleridge is known as the father of

A. Pantisocracy.

B. poetic diction.

C. modern literary criticism.

D. Biographia Literaria.

C. modern literary criticism.


All the following are true statements about A. E. Housman’s “To an Athlete Dying Young” except

A. the youth is praised for dying young.

B. fame dies more quickly than beauty does.

C. the boy will keep his honor in death.

D. though dead, the boy will know bitterness when his record is broken.

D. though dead, the boy will know bitterness when his record is broken.


Which of Pope’s characteristics did Dryden lack, according to Samuel Johnson?

A. judgment

B. diligence

C. punctuality

D. honesty

B. diligence


The primary mood of Lamb’s essays is

A. sarcastic denigration.

B. nostalgic daydreaming.

C. monotonous didacticism.

D. understated despair.

B. nostalgic daydreaming.


In “The Kingdom of God,” Thompson says modern man cannot see angels because

A. angels do not exist.

B. man lives in the modern age, not Biblical times.

C. man’s unredeemed nature prevents him from seeing them.

D. angels do not wish to be seen.

C. man’s unredeemed nature prevents him from seeing them.


What book did Boswell write as a result of traveling with Johnson?

A. Journal of a Tour to the Scottish Isles

B. Journal of a Tour to Scotland

C. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

D. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides

D. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides


The Byronic hero is characterized by all the following except

A. remorse and repentance.

B. arrogance and anguish.

C. sullenness and solitude.

D. self-will and rebellion.

A. remorse and repentance.


In Kipling’s story, according to the doctor, what caused McGoggin’s conversion?

A. overwork

B. a poor heart

C. a higher power

D. all of the above

A. overwork


According to Boswell, what trait of Johnson’s overshadows his shortcomings?

A. conversational abilities

B. organizational abilities

C. teaching abilities

D. both A and B

A. conversational abilities


Section IV of “Ode to the West Wind” reveals Shelley’s agreement with the romantic belief in

A. the superiority of childhood innocence and communion with nature.

B. the validity and preeminence of emotion.

C. the value of ancient legends and traditions.

D. the benefits of self-realization.

the superiority of childhood innocence and communion with nature.


In Virginia Woolf’s “Three Pictures,” what is the narrator’s response to the first picture?

A. bitterness

B. satisfaction

C. grief

D. boredom

B. satisfaction


11. All of the following elements found in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard are romantic except the

A. solitary meditation.

B. rural landscape.

C. poetic diction.

D. use of natural description to create a mood.

C. poetic diction.


Keats’s first unquestionably great poem was

A. “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”

B. “The Eve of St. Agnes.”

C. Lamia.

D. “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer.”

D. “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer.”


In “Feuille D’Album,” what does Ian purchase in his effort to meet the girl?

A. meat

B. cloth

C. an egg

D. a lemon

C. an egg


How did England’s domination of the seas help advance the industrial revolution? by crowding

by crowding out the French, Dutch, and Spanish from valuable markets and sources of raw materials, p. 372


In “The Eve of St. Agnes,” what brings Madeline and Porphyro back to reality?

A. Angela’s whisper

B. footsteps on the stairs

C. a storm

D. the beadsman’s prayers

C. a storm


What three main beliefs of Scripture did deists reject? 

the deity of Christ, Christ’s death and bodily resurrection, miracles of Scripture, p. 373


All of the following statements about the religious climate of nineteenth-century England are correct except

A. the period’s evangelicalism produced England’s greatest missionary effort.

B. some of England’s finest hymns were produced.

C. optimism increased as the century wore on and England began to achieve its promise.

D. evangelicalism tempered England’s colonial efforts with humanitarian concerns.

C. optimism increased as the century wore on and England began to achieve its promise.


What is the purpose of satire?

to upbraid and to warn, p. 382; TE, p. 381


What creature is used as an example in illustrating the truth taught in Watts’s “Against Idleness and Mischief”?

a bee p.430
