Land Revenue Policies
Industry and trade
Transport and communication

What was the main goal of English East India Company after they started conducting trade in India?

English east India companies main aim was to earn greater profits.


Who collected the land revenue during british era and how did they pay it?

The land revenue was collected by company officials and it was fixed and only to be paid in cash!


Q1. India was the largest producer of _________.

Q2. India was famous for _____________ and _____________ textiles.


A1. Cotton textiles

A2. cotton, silk


Till what time period Did India had no means of transport.

Till the First half of the 19th Century.


What happened in the Charter act of 1813?


The act of 1813 ended the trade monopoly in India, now all british citizens could trade with India.

However Tea still remained in the monopoly of the company!


What were the conditions before british arrival in a village related to land revenue.

Villages were self sufficient.

The peasant owned the land he cultivated.

He paid small part of his produce to the ruler.

If crops failes, ruler would reduce or even write off the revenue


Explain "One way free Trade".. ...........

It meant that british textiles coming to india didnt have to pay any kind of taxes but Indian textiles sent to Inida had to pay HEAVY DUTIES!


Who introduced railways lines in India? When was it introduced?

Lord Dalhousie Introduced railway lines in India on his railway minute.The first railway line was from Bombay to Thane on 1853!


What happened in the Charter Act of 1833 and 1853?

The tea monopoly was ended in the charter act of 1833.

The british parliament strenghened its control further by Charter act of 1853.


What were the 3 new revenue systems?

- Mahalwari System

- Ryotwari System

- Permanent settlement


What happened during Modern Industry? 

- Industrial development became slow and erratic.

- Britishers took no steps to safegaurd or provide support to nascent industries.


What helped in the Breaking of cast and class barriers?

When people ofall caste, religion, regions travelled together in railways it helped in breaking of Caste and class barriers.


What were the main economic policies the british government aimed at?

- Extracting more revenue

- Finding sources of sheap raw materials

- Expanding indian markets to sell their goods in larger quantities


The British introduced the Permanent Settlement in Bengal. How did it affect the Indian peasants and landlords?

  • Impact on Landlords:
    The Permanent Settlement made landlords (zamindars) the absolute owners of the land, responsible for paying fixed revenue to the British. However, they had to collect this revenue from the peasants. If landlords failed to pay the revenue, they risked losing their estates.
  • Impact on Peasants:
    Peasants were heavily exploited as zamindars raised taxes to meet their revenue targets. Many peasants were unable to pay, resulting in forced evictions and loss of land. This system pushed peasants into poverty and led to frequent famines.

Tell any 3 points from the causes of drain of wealth.

- Profits from Trade

- Profits from Industries owned by The british 

- Export of raw material from India

- Salaries pensions and savings of british officials

- Administrative expensesincurred in England on account of India.


The British introduced railways, roads, and postal services in the first half of the 19th century in India. How did these developments impact the military and industrial development during that time? 

Give one point for each.


- Areas which were militarily important were linked to railways

Industrial Development:

- It got quickened as factories were continously supplied with raw materials!
