November 3
What is Brittney's date of birth?
September 17
What is Zach's date of birth?
August 18, 2023
What is Zach and Brittney's first date?
March 22, 2025
What is the date of the Wedding?
Hyland Cow
What is Brittney's future favorite pet (besides the dogs)?
What was Brittney's favorite high school sport?
What is Zach's favorite high school sport?
Fireworks and Stargazed
What were the activities of Date number 1?
What is the number of attendants in the wedding party?
Bennet, NE
Toy Story
What is Brittney's favorite Disney movie?
Learning to crawl
What was Zach's greatest challenge as a child?
What is the number of days left for Zach and Brittney to date?
Burgundy, Eucalyptus Green, and Ivory
What are the colors of the wedding?
What is the planned number of children Zach and Brittney will have?
Cornhusker Football
What is Brittney's all-time favorite team?
What is the number of girlfriends that Zach had before Brittney?
February 17, 2024
What is the date that Zach and Brittney got engaged?
What will Zach's response be to Brittney coming down the aisle?
Stay at home mom
What is something Brittney does NOT want to be?
What is the number of injuries Brittney sustained during her Softball career? (ACL tear, broken nose, broken cheekbone)
"I'm not so SUPER after all!"
What is Zach's funniest childhood saying?
What is the first person to say "I Love You"?
What is the Honeymoon destination?
7 years
What is the timeline for building the Spencer barndominium?