This was the birthplace of Bronfenbrenner
What is Moscow, Russia?
This system focuses on the immediate environment in which a person directly interacts such as family, school and peers.
What is the microsystem?
This system is the second most outer layer and it representing values, ideologies, and laws of the society and/or culture in which an individual lives in.
What is the macrosystem?
This is the position of the diagram where Bronfenbrenner’s chronosystem theory is located
What is the outer layer of the Bronfenbrenner theory?
Bronfenbrenner received his Ph.D at this university
What is the University of Michigan?
This system focuses on the connections between different microsystems in an individual’s life.
What is the mesosystem?
This system can affect a child by having an influence on a member of the child's microsystem
What is the exosystem?
The chronosystem combines these 4 other stages
What is Micro, Meso, Exo and Macrosystems?
This is woman is the mother of 6 kids that Mr. Bronfenbrenner's and his wife had.
Who is Liese Bronfenbrenner?
A fussy child's actions can result in anger from the caregiver, while a calmer child's actions may experience kinder interactions with the caregiver
What is the Parent-Child Relationship?
It exerts its influence by affecting the daily experience and impacting development.
What is the macrosystem?
This is the focus of the chronosystem. (Why is it important)
What is how time impacts one's development and change over periods?