The English teacher who taught his students the Harlem Renaissance is?
Mr. Ward
What is the conflict Diondra jordon has with her dad?
The type of conflict is person vs person. Her dad want her to play basket ball, but she wants to be an artist.
What are the three difficulties that Gloria must overcome everyday to continue her studies?
She has to take care of her baby
She does not have the time to spend with her friends
she has to ensure she get good grades in school
Why does Leslie Lucas think she does not fit the class?
She is white, the other kids are Hispanic and black. Its like she says they are from two different planets
Where is the setting of the novel Bronx masquerade?
The novel is set in a highschool in the Bronx
What type of conflict is seen with Devon Hope?
person vs. society. His peers pressure him to play sports, but he likes to read.
What did Johnny do to Chankara?
He smacked her in her face
What is the conflict Leslie has?
Her mother died from cancer
How did the English teacher show that he cared about his student Raul?
He provided water colour paper and paint brushes for him to use.
Where does Devon go to hide away from his friends?
The library
"I aint particulat about doing homework, you understand.My teachers practically faint when i turn something in" this was said by?
Tyrone Bittings
Who is the main character of the novel Bronx Masquerade?
Tyrone Bittings
What does Lupe believe will make her happy; the solution to her loneliness?
She wants to have a baby
Why does Janelle Battle not want Judianne to know how she felt about Devon Hope?
She would tell all the students that she had a crush on Devon .
What is the reason for Open Mike Fridays?
Students have the chance to read their poems
What is Gloria doing in class instead of focusing on her studies?
She is making a shopping list
What is Raul's goal in life?
He wants to be an artist , painting portraits.