Star Wars
Disney Movies
Popular Mobile Games
Nintendo Trivia
7 Wonders of The World

This Jedi Knight was the main protagonist in the original Star Wars trilogy and the son of Darth Vader.

Who is Luke Skywalker?


This Disney character disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the Chinese army.

Who is Mulan?


This addictive puzzle game, where players match candies, became a global sensation after its release in 2012.

What is Candy Crush Saga?


This recurring villain kidnaps Princess Peach and is the main antagonist in many Super Mario games.

Who is Bowser?


This extensive wall was built to protect Chinese states and empires from invasions and raids and is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

What is the Great Wall of China?


In this Star Wars film, Darth Vader reveals his true identity to Luke with the famous line, "I am your father."

What is "The Empire Strikes Back"?


This 1942 Disney movie features a young deer who experiences the joys and dangers of the forest.

What is Bambi?


This augmented reality game, released in 2016, lets players catch Pokémon in the real world using their smartphones.

What is Pokémon GO?


This Wii game takes Mario into outer space, where he travels between small planets and collects stars.

What is Super Mario Galaxy?


This is the only surviving wonder of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, located in Egypt.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza?


This scavenger from Jakku becomes the last Jedi in the sequel trilogy.

Who is Rey?


This 1953 movie tells the story of a boy who never grows up and takes children to Neverland.

What is Peter Pan?


In this strategy game, players build and defend their villages while attacking others to gain resources.

What is Clash of Clans?


Released in 1985 in North America, this console revitalized the video game industry after the 1983 crash.

What is the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)?


This ancient Greek statue, created by the sculptor Phidias, depicted a god  seated on a throne.

What was the Statue of Zeus at Olympia?


This smuggler-turned-hero pilots the Millennium Falcon and is known for his iconic friendship with Chewbacca.

Who is Han Solo?


This villainous lion is responsible for the death of Mufasa in The Lion King.

Who is Scar?


In this game, players launch birds at structures to defeat pigs who have stolen their eggs.

What is Angry Birds?


These are the first Pokémon games released in North America, where players could catch 151 Pokémon.

What is Pokémon Red and Blue?


This temple, located in modern-day Turkey, was dedicated to the goddess Artemis and was rebuilt after being destroyed.

What was the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus?


This desert planet is the home of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.

What is Tatooine?


his big, blue, furry monster is a top scarer in the movie Monsters, Inc.

Who is Sulley?


This popular party game, often played on mobile devices, involves guessing words based on clues given by friends.

What is Heads Up!?


This handheld console, released in 1989, became one of the best-selling gaming devices of all time.

What is the Game Boy?


his wonder is believed to have been a terraced garden built in ancient Babylon, though its exact location and existence are debated.

What was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
