What covers the bear's skin
How many types of bears are there in the world?
(American Black Bear, Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Asiatic Black Bear, Andean Bear, Panda Bear, Sloth Bear, Sun Bear)
Famous teddy bear movie character
Winnie the pooh
The continent that sun bears can be found in?
The teddy bear is named after which president?
The teddy bear is named after President Theodore Roosevelt, who famously refused to shoot a bear cub while on a hunting trip in 1902.
Polar Bears fur is white, but what color is their skin?
Mothers will send their cubs where to protect them?
Up the trees
Smallest bear in North America?
American Black bear
In which century was the teddy bear invented
20th century
How long is the average brown bear claw? a. 11-15 inches b. 5-8 inches c. 1-4 inches
What is 1-4 inches
Weight of a female black bear?
a. 50-100lbs b. 100-300lbs c. 300-500lbs d. 500-700lbs
Only bear found in Pennsylvania?
Black bear
How many Pandas are left in the wild?
1,864 Pandas
Worlds largest teddy bear
55ft tall
Brown Bear Height on all fours?
a. 1-2 ft b. 2-3 ft c. 3-4 ft d. 4-5 ft
A type of Brown Bear that takes it's name from a Middle-Eastern country but can no longer be found there?
Syrian Brown Bear
Over $2 million as it's covered in diamonds and sapphires