Who does Jackie's family stay with in South Carolina?
Her grandparents
What is Grandpa Gunnar's last name?
What happened to Aunt Kay?
She passed away after falling in the apartment stairway.
It's just easier to not cause issues.
How is Uncle Robert different after being in prison?
He is now Muslim.
Why does Jackie's dad refuse to go to the South?
He cannot stand dealing with people who look down on black people and his family. He prefers to be treated equally.
What does Grandma do for 'daywork'?
She travels to the white part of Greenville to clean houses.
Name a reason why Black people were heading to NYC and leaving the South.
-to escape the issues of the south
-find better opportunity and jobs in the north
What is the name of the the place JW travels to when seeing her Uncle in prison?
According to Jackie's mom, why did they end up in Brooklyn?
Destiny. Faith, fate, and reasons.
Who can the Woodson family trace their history back to?
Sally Hemings & Thomas Jefferson or their son ThomasWoodson
Why cant Miss Bell join the March?
Her white boss will fire her.
What is the historical time period called that highlights millions of AA's leaving the South for other places in the country?
The Great Migration
Who are the two people Jackie is jealous of for having afros?
What is something the Black Panthers started in order to help children?
A free breakfast program.
What year was Jackie born?
According to Grandpa Gunnar when were people black people promised to be free? (specific to the year or how many years ago.)
1863, or over a hundred years ago.
How do we know Jackie is changing while being in the North?
She recognizes that she's talking different, and more quickly.
What did Maria have to keep telling the white family she visited in upstate NY?
That she wasn't poor and neither was where she lived.
According to Jackie, the revolution is just like a.....?
Carousel or merry-go-round
Where did Jackie's father play college football? (Can also name the mascot)
What are the "ghosts" that haunt Jackie in the South?
The still visible "white only" signs.
What is the name of the place of worship for Jehovah's Witnesses?
Kingdom Hall
Who does Hope sing about while onstage?
Tingalayo, the donkey.
Who was on the FBI's most wanted list?
Angela Davis