If you are in 6th grade, you have to take the Science PSSA?
False. Only 8th grade students take the Science PSSA.
This strategy has to do with sleep, eating healthy and showing up on time.
Being ready for the test.
What is the first thing we do before reading the passage?
Unpack/ Annotate the prompt
What 2 things can you do if you finish your ELA test early (before the testing period ends)?
Why should I eat breakfast on the day of testing?
Brain can function the best it can.
If I do not know an answer, I should leave it blank.
True. If you are stuck, mark it so that you can come back to it later. Don't let a difficult question stop you from moving forward. If you get frustrated or confused, skip the question to save it for later. If you go back and are still stuck. Take your best guess
What is the strategy of reading all the options and removing the ones that don’t make sense?
Elimination or cross off method
what kind of word go
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
How much time do you have to take the ELA PSSA?
As much as you need
What is one thing you can do to make sure you are not rushed in the morning?
Set an alarm
The PSSA stands for the Pennsylvania State System of Assessment.
What is the strategy of using the words around an unknown word to help you figure it out?
Context clues
How many sections does the ELA test have?
What electronics are allowed in the testing window?
Name 3 things you can do to help with any anxiety and stress during the test?
Take deep breaths, roll my shoulders, relax my grip on my pencil, pause and take a quick break
Drinking more water (than normal) is a great idea right before testing
false; you don't want to have to worry about going to the bathroom. (But also, you can go to the bathroom as often as you want to.)
What are the 2 tools you can use to remember important details in the reading section of the test?
Use highlighter or use sticky notes
How many days will you have to do multiple choice questions during the test?
Who will you take the PSSA with?
Your advisory teacher or another ICS teacher (Tr Ginna, Tr Alexis)
What are 2 of the 3 goals of PSSA prep activities?
1.) Review good test taking strategies. 2.) introduce the types of questions on the test. 3.) demonstrate understanding of online tools and materials.
True/False; You should always read the passage first and answer choices second.
False. Look at the questions first, then read the paragraph so you know what you are looking for.
What can you do if you're feeling stressed or anxious?
1) Tense and then relax your muscles 2)Do some deep breathing
How many days will you have "writing tasks" for the PSSAs?
What is the first thing you should do when working with a TDA (Test Dependent Analysis)?
Read the prompt and rework it to be a thesis statement.