its on the xbox,its sorta like fortnite,
what is mortal comback
probaly dead,cute and lovly,cheated on somebody
what is inky
nice,sweet,works at a history place
what is nana
easy,u can play a mini verson of it,
what is golf
meat,sorta like a sanwich
what is burger
u play it on the xbox,its like football
what is madden
name starts with k,skinny and slink
what is knox
likes sweet tea
what is mommy
u play it on a court,with a net and ball
what is tennis
something u drink,makes u hiyper,
what is coffee
i play on my nintindeo, theres shootings
What is fortnite
skinny,name starts with d, lives at nanas house
what is dolly
what is daddy
with a ball,u dribble it
what is basketball
round,with a hole in the middle
what is donut
its a cat,i pet on him alot,mean,limp
What is kitkat
what is kikat
On mommys side of family,Keiths friend
What is Sissy
Least Favorite sport,dumb,i didnt know what else to put so yea
What is softball
on a cob
What is corn
Something that Brynn plays alot!
What is Among Us
What is Tee
nice,mean alot of times,acts like she dieing most of time
what is sissy(kailyn)
u run alot,u cant use ur hands
what is soccer
creamy and cheesy
what is mac an cheese