Problem solving at a job
Life Skills
General Trivia
Job Skills

What should you do if you are running late for a shift at work?

Call your job to let them know you are going to be late, and why you are running late. 


What do you do if you smell smoke in the house?

Let an adult know, check to see if there is a fire, if it is small put it out, if it is big call 911, etc.

How many innings are there in baseball? 



How far do you have to stand from someone to social distance? 

6 feet


Name three job skills you have.

listens well, helpful, friendly, can follow directions, etc.


What should you do if you saw a coworker taking money from the cash register? 

Tell them to put it back, if they don't then report them to the supervisor.


Name 3 different types of bills adults have to pay. 

rent/mortgage, cell phone bill, gas, electricity, car note, car insurance, etc.
Name 5 Avengers. 

Iron Man, Black Widow, the hulk, black panther, etc.


Why is it important to wear a mask in public right now? 

To keep yourself and everyone else safe from the COVID-19 which spreads through direct contact with others.


Give an example of a job in customer service and explain why it is customer service. 

restaurant (Mcdonalds, applebees, etc.), retail (five below, walmart, etc.), working in a gym


What is the difference between passive communication, assertive communication, and aggressive communication?

Which type of communication should you use at work?

Passive: when you avoid conflict and tell people what they want to hear instead of being honest

Assertive: being honest and polite when communicating

Aggressive: being rude, loud, inappropriate when communicating your point


Describe what to do if you get a burn while cooking. 

run under cool water, put ointment on it, disinfect if it blisters, and cover with a band aid 


What major protest is happening across the country right now and what is it focused on?

Black Lives Matter and protest police brutality.


How long should you wash you hands, and how often should you wash your hands? 

30 seconds

whenever you touch your face, have been outside, been to the bathroom, before cooking, after cooking, etc.


What does direct deposit mean? 

depositing a check directly into your bank account without giving you a paper check


Give an example of assertive communication to use if your boss told you to work more hours, but you are not able to. 

example: I appreciate that you want to give me more hours, but I'm not able to pick up any more because it does not work with my schedule. 


Name 3 different types of transportation you can use if you don't have a licence. 

Bus, train, bike, walk, ask for a ride


Name a sport that does not involve physical contact with others and is safe to do while social distancing. 

tennis, running, kayaking, biking


Name another major pandemic in the United States. 

1918 spanish flu

What is the minimum wage in NJ?



Give an example of how you would handle angry customer.



Describe how to unclog a toilet, change the batteries in a fire detector, and replace a light bulb. 

toilet- use a plunger to create water flow in the toilet and unclog what is stuck, if a plunger does not work call a plumber

Fire detector- take the fire detector off the wall of ceiling and replace with AA batteries once the detector starts beeping repeatedly

light bulb- turn off the light, gently unscrew the bulb and replace with a new one. If in a high place use a ladder 

What are the names of the 3 Jonas brothers? Who is the oldest, middle, and youngest?

Kevin (oldest), Joe (middle), Nick (youngest)


What does PPE stand for? Can you give an example of one?

Personal protective equipment

 gloves, masks, eye protection


What does no show, no call mean? and what are the consequences? 

You don't show up for a shift or call to say why you aren't there or are late. You get fired if you do this 