Invasive Species: Oregon

A profession that helps companies or municipalities/agencies follow environmental laws. Requires a college degree and law degree with focus on environmental issues.

What is an environmental lawyer?


A male bee produces of an unfertilized egg; these do not have stingers and do not gather nectar and pollen.

What is a drone?


This invasive weed can be 2-4 feet tall, with multiple upright steps and a long taproot.  Leaves are pale grayish green.  Flower heads are pinkish-purple and spotted.

What is spotted knapweed? (Centaurea stoebe)


Liquid precipitation with pH<5.  Primary causes are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides (emissions from fossil fuel powered vehicles, power plants) that mix with water vapor.  Forms sulfuric and nitric acids that can weaken or kill plants, or kill organisms in lakes

What is acid rain?


Work to maintain fish stocks and avoid overfishing and water pollution.

What are oceanographers, fishery biologists or fishery managers?


Three stages of development that bees progress through to adulthood.

What are eggs, larvae, pupae?


Once you pull this weed with a long taproot that blooms in summer, bag it if it has flowered to prevent seed dispersal.

What is spotted knapweed?


What is the living community of a specific area and the non-living factors that affect it and form relationships together? Photosynthesis, producers and consumers grow, reproduce, and die; fungi decompose (recycle) bodies to nourish soils.  

What is an ecosystem?


Minimum degree required for a research or formal teaching job in environmental science?

What is a master's degree. 


In a bees's quest for the nectar found in each flower's base, a bee brushes against the stigma and stamens transferring pollen from one flower to another.  Most fruits and vegetables depend on this process.

What is pollination?


This weed is originally from the Mediterranean region, and has spread across the US West.  It's 6-24 in. tall, with bright green grass leaves and nodding seed heads  and can bore in between dogs toes when dry.  It outcompetes native bunch grasses

What is cheatgrass?  (Bromus tectorium)


North American bird of prey, found near large bodies of water, reaches maturing in 4-5 years, makes largest tree next for any animal (13 ft deep, 8.2 ft wide).  Affected by pesticide, illegal shooting, lead poisoning, and habitat loss.  Moved from endangered to threatened in July 1995 and off list in June 2007 in contiguous US due to successful recovery.

What is the Bald Eagle?


A consultant or government employee working to analyze weather, research impacts to or protect air quality; or a meteorologist likely has this degree. 

What is atmospheric science (bachelor's, master's or doctorate).


An adult, mated female that lives in a honey bee colony or hive, usually the mother of most all of the bees in the hive.  Developed from larvae selected by worker bees and fed special food to mature. 

What is the queen bee?


This highly aggressive weed has upright, narrow stems, and bright yellow flowers that look like snapdragons.  Hand pulling before they flower in mid-summer can help reduce their spread.

What is dalmation toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)


The pesticide that in the late 20th century sent the US National Bird to the brink of extinction due to egg shell thinning. Biomagnification played role.  Interfered with the birds calcium metaboloism, made some sterile or brittle eggs.  Down to 412 nesting pairs in the 1950s. 



This career focuses on the study of water.  Typically need a bachelor's degree in physical science or related.  Some prefer masters. 

What is a hydrologist?

A red or brown resinous substance collected by honeybees from tree buds, used to fill crevices and to seal and varnish honeycombs.

What is propolis? (including its source and role)


This weed that has yellow flowers that open in the morning and close int eh afternoon, and turn into seed heads that look like extra large dandelions should be hand pulled before they go to seed.  Their formal name is Salsify, but they also go by this name (hint: "gaaa, facial hair)

Goat's Beard (aka Salsify) (Tragopogon dubius)


Regulatory Acts that helped the bald eagle recover. (Name one)

1918 Migratory Bird Treaty

Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (1940)--prohibited commercial trapping/killing

1967 declared Endangered Species

1972 DDT banned in US; 1989 DDT banned Canada
