What are the 4 colors used for color games?
Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
Which 5th grade counselor has been here the longest
Who is Kai
Which director brought in a pet lizard last year to camp?
Who is Kevin
Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you want to build in here
Be ready to build with some big blocks too
What is construction zone
What is Bedford's colors?
What is blue and white
What is the first verse of the BSA song?
There is a place, Called BSA
Its where we run, And play all day
Name one 5th grade counselor
Who is Gianna, Matt, Kai, or Renate
Name all of the directors besides Peter
Who is Kevin, Ben, Maria, Kelsie
I am a popular room. I am very colorful and contain a slide.
What is carnival?
What is the name of the middle school?
What is John Glenn Middle School
What activity am I?
I am very fast and contain a battery. Although I breakdown a lot... I am one of the campers favorite activity.
What is razor cars
How many counselors are named Matthew?
What is 3
Which director used to be my brother's counselor? (Hint: my brother is now 22)
Who is Ben
This room is similar to a library and a good place to relax on a hot day.
What is storyland
Where is the original Bedford flag kept?
What is the library
Name all 3 specialist counselors (arts and crafts, archery, and science)
Who is Parker, Cody, and Daniel
Name 1 of the counselors for the Lynx group.
Who is Stuart or Katie
Which director used to be a brunette?
Who is Maria
Sorry! This room can be a hassle to clean up. I hope you guys don't get board in here! I recommend 2+ campers in this room.
What is game room
Spell the Bedford mascot name (we can say it out loud for you)
What is Buccaneer
What year was BSA started?
What is 1975. (If you are within 2 years you will be awarded points, double points if you guess 1975)
Which counselor is the head of juniors
Who is Jane
What director has been at BSA the longest?
Who is Ben
You need a creative mind to be able to use me to my full potential. Plenty of various toys can be found scattered across the room.
What is fantasy island
Name all of the surrounding towns to Bedford (there are 6)
Burlington, Billerica, Concord, Carlisle, Lincoln, and Lexington