Tie a Square Knot and say its practical use.
securing bandages and packages.
Explain the three R’s of personal safety and protection
Scout book page 400
Cuts and scrapes
clean area with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, cover with a sterile bandage
Pinch the nostrils together lean forward to avoid swallowing and hold for about 10 minutes
Perform the Heimlich maneuver if they become unconscious call for emergency help and begin CPR
Tie the two half-hitches and its practical use.
Tie guy lines onto a dining fly. or to tie a rope to a post.
Describe bullying tell what the appropriate response is to someone who is bullying you or another person
Scout book page 405-406
gradually rewarm the affected area in warm, not hot water for 30 to 40 minutes, do not rub the area and seek medical attention if severe
Blisters (Hands and Feet)
Do not pop blisters protect them with a bandage if they burst clean the area, apply antibiotic ointment, and cover
Cool the affected skin with cool compresses or aloe vera gel make sure they stay hydrated and avoid further exposure
Tie the Taut-line hitch and its practical use.
staking out your guy lines of the tent or dining fly
Demonstrate and explain CPR
Perform +200
ScBook: Pg 116-119
Puncture wounds
Remove the splinter with sterilized tweezers, clean the area with soap and water and cover with the bandage if the nail is broken or damage always make sure to seek medical help. Page 134-135.
Minor burns or scalds
Cool the burns under running water for at least 10 minutes. Cover with sterile dressing do not apply ice or butter.
Lay the person down and elevate their legs, if possible keep them warm and calm
Tie the Sheet bend Knot and its practical use.
tying two ropes of same or different diameters
Heatstroke, Dehydration, Hypothermia, Hyperventilation
Answer all +200
ScBook: Pg135-141
Venomous snake bites
Keep the victim common still keep the affected, limb, immobilized at or below heart level
Bites or stings of insects and ticks
Remove tick carefully with tweezers make sure that it is near the head of the tick clean the bite area and apply antiseptic
Heat Exhaustion
Move the person to a cooler environment, provide water and electrolyte drinks and apply cool wet clothes to the body
Tie the Bowline Knot and its practical use.
Securing guy lines through grommets for tents or a dining fly; rescuing someone or self.
Injuries to the bone or muscle (Ankle, Head, Upper arm, Collarbone).
Perform action +200
ScBook: Pg142-148
Bite of a warm blooded animal
Clean the wound with soap and water apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with bandage then seek medical help to get a rabies shot
Serious Burns
Do not remove clothing that is stuck to the burn cover with the clean cloth. Make sure the person is responsive.
Object in eye
Do not rub the eye rinse gently with clean water or saline if the object does not come out or if there is still pain, seek medical attention