In Matthew 8, where did Jesus send the demons he miraculously cast out of two demon-possessed men?
Everything God is, does, and says is completely free of fault or defect.
True or False - In the parable of the virgins, 10 had oil for their lamps and 10 did not.
False - 5 virgins had oil.
In Matthew 14 Jesus not only walked on land but also...
Two men appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration....who are they?
Moses and Elijah
God does not give us what our sins deserve.
True or False - Jesus baptized John the Baptist
False, John baptized Jesus: Matthew 3
In Matthew 8, a centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant. What was unusual about his request?
In Matthew 27, where was the place where Jesus was crucified called?
In Matthew 26, where was the garden located where Jesus prayed with 3 disciples before his arrest?
Golgotha (The Place of the Skull)
God knows all there is to know.
True or False - Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty gold coins
False, they were silver
In Matthew 9, what happens when a woman touches the hem of Jesus' cloak?
Immediately healed from a bleeding disorder
In Matthew 4, Jesus calls His first 4 disciples.. who are they?
Peter (Simon), Andrew, James son of Zebedee, John
Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on ____ alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of _____.'"
Bread; God
God reaches down and rescues sinners from the penalty of death and hell that our sin deserves.
True or False - In Matthew 5, there are 8 Beatitudes.
Name the Beatitudes
Poor in spirit, mourn, meek, hunger/thirst for righteousness, pure in heart, merciful, peacemaker, persecuted for righteousness
What surprising fact did Jesus prove by healing the paralyzed man let down through a roof?
His authority to forgive sins.
In Matthew 1, in Jesus' genealogy, there are 5 women named. Who are they?
Rahab, Ruth, Mary, Uriah's wife, Tamar
God controls all things.
True or False - Matthew used fulfilled prophecy as a means of proving Jesus is the Messiah.