What time is pre-class prayer?
BSF supplies these class prep materials (list at least two).
What is the Leader Guide, Power Point Lessons, Discovery Guides, Planners, etc.
The current Executive Director of BSF.
Who is Hollie Roberts?
It means that question is on the Student Discovery Guide.
What is a blue asterisk?
Who are our most recent BSFKids! CLs?
How many Trained Children's Leader's in each class level?
Ensures the CL understands the gist of the lesson.
What is the Highlights page?
The founder of BSF.
Who is A. Wetherell Johnson?
A third party activity app BSF uses for most of the games/activities on the power point.
What is Wordwall?
our Area Team
Who are Shelby Scott and Shelley Case?
The five sections of the student program class.
What is the Building Community, Lesson Introduction, Discover Truth, Live Differently, and Closing.
5-10 minute conversation with CS or ACS following observation
What is the lesson debrief?
The Teaching Leader (TL), Sub Teaching Leaders (STLs), Class Administrator (CA), Children's Supervisor (CS)
Who are the class staff?
My go-to for the power point, lecture, Daily Dive, and many other resources for my study and service to BSF.
What is MyBSF.org
The SP CLs husbands
Who are Ken, Steve, Scott and Daniel
Whiteboard, Spotlight or chat
What are 3 ways Zoom students can share their drawings or written answers with the class?
A tool, but not a rule.
What is the planner?
San Antonio, TX
Where are BSF Headquarters?
The BSF four step approach to bible study.
What is: answering the questions, group discussion, the lecture, and reading the notes.
5 Volunteers to the SP this year
Who are Libnah Arias, Geneva Ledon, Jocelyn Stiner, Dianne Shafer, or Marly Bodapati, Carolyn Rice, Yvette Dayne
What is the role of the SP CL?
What is "a disciple maker" who helps build community, guide students to discover truth and learn to live differently?
So long as you vary your voice tone vs monotone.
Can a CL read from the Leader Guide script?
At least three months as a BSF member.
What is the minimum time a member must be in BSF before being invited into leadership?
What is "a student's active engagement in God's Word produces personal, passionate commitment to God's Truth?
Our 13 GLs
Who are Heidi, Gayle, Hannah, Catherine, Kathleen, Anne, Dianne, Stephanie, Lena, Marilyn, Fran, Jan, Carolyn