If I do but love and trust Him, there is nothing I need fear.
What is Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me.
The one truth we aim for every child to understand and remember.
What is the Main Truth?
Leading children to praise God with voices and hearts.
What is the purpose of Music time?
No one made God. God made everything.
What is Creator?
What is Children's Leader?
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
What is Praise God, From Whom all Blessings Flow
Used to clarify the Bible Story and enhance a child's understanding.
What are Questions?
Familiar, New(er), Review
What is the order we sings songs (in a real classroom - not in an online video.)
God exists outside of time.
What is Eternal?
What is Unassigned Children's Leader?
It tells of people long ago of folks like me and you.
What is The Bible is a Treasure Book
Used to adapt the Bible Story to the developmental phase characteristics of the children you lead.
What is individualization?
In support of the Main Truth or attribute of God.
How are songs selected for Music Time.
Because God gives His children the Holy Spirit, they recognize His voice and follow Him.
What is Guide?
What is Leaders Meeting?
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee.
What is Holy, Holy, Holy
Used after the Bible story to introduce Children to Scripture and build and increase their faith in God and His Word.
What is Scripture Verse
Might mention God's attribute, clarify a word or phrase, or lead children to respond to God.
What is an introduction?
God is whole - perfect in goodness and righteousness.
What is Holy?
What is Assistant Children's Supervisor?
For sending Christ the Savior to take our sins away.
What is We Thank You, Loving Father
Eye contact, Voice Variation, & Physical Motion (hand actions/ smiling)
What are the 3 tools of Dynamic Presentation.
Clapping, snapping, pictures from the picture set, tapping the Bible, etc.
What are examples of Music Activities?
God reaches down and rescues sinners from the penalty of death and hell.
What is Savior?
What is Bible Story Hymn Manual?