BSF style of discipline
What is Redemptive
Who does redemptive discipline train children to love
What is God and others
This tool guides choices and explains expectations
What is setting limits
The currency of young infants
What is security
This word comes from the word Disciple, meaning to train
What is Discipline
The location where we keep the BSF toys
What is the closet
The mode of RD used when misbehavior happens
What is Responsive
We train on 5 of these to avoid discipline problems
This tool helps children prepare for and adapt to change
What are transitions
Older infants value this
What is mobility
The relationship goal that aims to not humiliate or embarrass a child.
What is Grace
What is currency
What is faced when preparing a response to a discipline situation
What is Reality
The process we follow that helps us meet the RD goal of loving God and loving people.
What is the F.A.R process
this tool builds relationships and seeks to protect.
What is nurturing love.
Toddlers value this during class
What is having
This Redemptive Discipline mode prepares the learning environment before distractions and misbehavior occur.
This type of attendance helps in building relationships
What is consistent
Uh, Oh: this course of action isn't working. What do I need to do?
What is Reset Course
Our lessons are centered on this
What is Gospel
This tool is God focused and requests help
What is Prayer
Preschoolers value this
What is doing
What needs to be adjusted when using the FAR process
What is perspective
Remembering the child's name or their likes or dislikes helps to build this.
What is connection
Establishing this essential foundation is the key to discipline.
What are Relationships
We teach God's word so that the Holy Spirit can do this to hearts and minds.
What is transform
This person supports you with a team approach to prepare and develop discipline strategies
Who is your co-leader
The special book that has all of God's true words.
What is the Holy Bible
9 weeks
Children who do not submit to your authority
What is challenge