Why is there Suffering in the World
God's Purposes Accomplished through Suffering
How Can Suffering Help Believers?
Why Should we View Suffering as Temporary?
Why did God the Father cause Jesus to suffer?

God cursed the ground because of this.

What is sin? ( Adam listened to Eve and ate from the tree) Gen. 3:14-19


God sent this person to Egypt to save lives.

Who was Joseph? Genesis 45:4-5


God does this for those who are contrite and lowly in spirit.

What is Revive their heart and spirit? Isaiah 57:15


When we share in Christ's sufferings, we also share in this.

What is His Glory? Romans 8:14-18


Jesus said "I am the good shepherd". What does the good shepherd do for his sheep?

What is Lay down his life? John 10:11


Lazarus was sick so that this person would receive glory.

Who is Jesus? John 11:4


God does this for believers who are called according to his purpose.

For whom does God work out everything for the good? Romans 8:28


The apostle Paul knew that his chains served to do this.

What is Advance the gospel? Philippians 1:12,17


Having the first fruits of the spirit, we groan as we wait for this.

What is The redemption of our bodies.  Romans 8:23


This is the result of Jesus being pierced and crushed for our sin.

What is: By His wounds we are healed? Isaiah 53:5-6


Jesus said: This happened to display the works of God.

Why was this man blind from birth? John 9:1-3

After losing her home, Rahab became this person's great grandmother.

Who is David? Mathew 1:5-6


Job was confident that, after being tested, he would come out like this.

What is Gold? Job 23:10


This saying will come true when the mortal is clothed in immortality.

What is: Death has been swallowed up in victory? 1 Corinthians 15:54.


God was pleased to have all this dwell in Jesus.

What is His fullness. Colossians 1:19-20


In the time of the Judges, God was provoked to anger, and His hand was against the Israelites when they went out to fight.

Why did the Israelites forsake God and serve the Baals?

Judges 2:11-15


These achieve for us an eternal glory.

What are our light and momentary troubles? 2 Corinthians 4:17


Though we suffer now, this will be proved genuine when Jesus is revealed.

What is our faith? 1 Peter 1:6-7


God made Jesus who had no sin to become sin for us so that we might become this.

What is: The righteousness of God? 2 Corinthians 5:21


God so loved the world for this reason.

What is That everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16


Creation was subjected to frustration for this reason or purpose.

How can creation be liberated from bondage? Romans 8:19-22 (21)


We are to consider it pure joy when we face this.

What are trials of many kinds? James 1:2


We we know that suffering produces these 3 results.

What are perseverance, character and hope? Romans 5:3-5


God will do this when His dwelling is with us and He lives with us.

What is He will wipe every tear from our eyes? Revelation 21:3-4


God did this to demonstrate His justice and  mercy.

Why did God present Jesus as a sacrifice for atonement. Romans 3:25-26
