You Know Your Mama
Hair Chronicles
Black Family Rules
Black Family Gatherings

The moment you hear your mama calling you by your full government name, you know this is about to happen.

What is "You’re about to get in serious trouble"?


When your scalp starts itching but your braids are still fresh, this is how you scratch your head.

What is using a bobby pin or a rat tail comb?


 If the streetlights come on and you’re still outside, this is what’s about to happen.

What is getting in trouble for not being home?


At family reunions, this is often the dish that everyone looks forward to

What is Macaroni and Cheese?


A cultural identity on a famed social network focused on issues of interest to the Black community, particularly in the United States. Its use of hashtags allows for a collective of active users to bring about a wide range of sociopolitical changes.

What is Black Twitter?


Your mama gave you this look that said you better not act up in public.

What is "the death stare"?


Before hitting the hair salon, this is the prep step that no one wants to do but has to.

What is detangling or washing your hair?


In a Black household, this is the ultimate way to know you’ve truly arrived as an adult.

What is sitting at the grown folks' table?


You know the food is going to be good if the cook has what?

What is a fat bicep with a dimple at the elbow.


The artist who rapped this verse in one of his songs: "Last name ever, First name greatest, Like a sprained ankle boy I ain't nothing to play with Started off local but thanks to all the haters, I know G4 pilots on a first name basis"

Who is Drake?


If someone hits you first______

you hit them back


If you know you’re about to get your hair braided, this is the item you run to the beauty supply store for first.

What is a pack of braiding hair (or some type of protective style)?


You can’t touch this part of the house without getting fussed at for “messing up the good stuff.”

What is the living room (or the couch with the plastic cover)?


This common phrase is used to remind kids to behave during family gatherings, often followed by a warning of consequences.

What is “You better act like you got some sense!”?


On this show, a popular line was "You get a car, you get a car, you get a car!"

What is The Oprah Winfrey Show?


Mom can I...

What is no...?


This infamous question from strangers, especially in professional settings, makes most Black women cringe.

What is "Can I touch your hair?"


This phrase, commonly said after church or when guests are over, means the kids better be on their best behavior.

What is "Don’t embarrass me in front of company"?


This often-played card game, featuring family dynamics and friendly competition, has led to many “friendly” arguments.

What is Spades?


Best known for her work as a pop musician, this artist has now broken into the makeup scene, creating a line of products are lightweight and work for all skin tones and types with over 40 shades.

Who is Rihanna?


What does this phrase stand for "IBYITWAITYOI"

(Hint: commonly said when you're in trouble)

What is "I brought you into this world, and I’ll take you out"?


This happens when you tell your mom you’re going to dye your natural hair a crazy color.

What is she gives you "the look" or says, "Not in my house"?


If you ever hear "My house, my rules" growing up, this is probably the next thing you’ll hear.

What is "As long as you live under my roof"?


What is the proper response to this statement "He don't bite"

What is he got teeth don't he.


When white people take customs, practices, or traditions from one culture to either mock or simplify the meaning or significance of that piece of culture. This also means taking/wearing something from another culture and appreciating it only when it is not on the body of a member of that culture.

What is cultural appropriation?
