To reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church.
What is the ultimate aim of a biblical marriage?
Nurturing and admonition in the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
What is the most important thing parents must provide for their children according to Scripture?
Matthew 19:5.
What Scripture passage states explicitly that "a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife," emphasizing the unity of marriage?
The role of family protector and provider.
According to Scripture, what is the role of the husband/father in the family?
Address the behavior immediately after the offense.
According to biblical principles, what is often misunderstood as the first step in disciplining a child?
The husband himself should be the primary exhibit.
According to the Bible, who should be the primary exhibit of the role of a biblical husband in the home?
To teach and pray for the child, but salvation is ultimately between the child and God.
What is the role of parents in a child's salvation process?
Ephesians 5:23.
In which Scripture does Paul teach that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church?
The role of nurturer and caregiver, managing the household.
What role does the wife/mother play in the biblical family structure?
To train children in righteousness and to mold their character.
What is the primary purpose of discipline in the home?
Ephesians 5:22-32.
Which New Testament passage directly connects marriage to the relationship between Christ and the Church?
Winning the lost to Christ.
What is the primary remedy for addressing the moral collapse of the family?
Ephesians 5:22.
What passage speaks of how a wife should submit to her husband as unto the Lord?
Both parents, but primarily the father (Ephesians 6:4).
Who has the responsibility for bringing up children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord"?
Discipline must be done in love and consistently.
What are the two necessary rules for discipline?
To become one flesh and for companionship and procreation.
What is the foundational purpose of marriage as defined by God before the fall of man?
Allow the child space to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading and not press them to make a decision prematurely.
What should parents do when they sense their child is under conviction?
Ephesians 5:32.
In which passage is marriage described as a mystery that reflects the relationship between Christ and the Church?
The role of spiritual leader and priest of the household.
What role does the husband play in the spiritual life of the family?
It may cause resentment and rebellion in the child.
According to class, what is the result of discipline administered in anger?
He should honor her as the weaker vessel and live with her in an understanding way.
How should a husband treat his wife, according to 1 Peter 3:7?
Discipline should always be administered consistently in love, both in timing and manner.
What should be the primary method of discipline for children?
Ephesians 5:25.
What Scripture tells us that "husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church"?
The husband __________ by loving and sacrificing for his wife, and the wife __________ by respecting and honoring her husband.
In a Christian marriage, both husband and wife are called to submit to one another. What does this submission look like for each?
Discipline should be balanced with love, correction, and encouragement.
What is the proper balance in parenting when it comes to discipline?