Where you would usually look to find enrollment eligibility.
Group #
Where to limit access to documents.
Resource Library
Payroll and BeneTrac COBRA
Feeds to connect first.
2 weeks
Timeline to process renewals with plan changes.
Value that demonstrates a willingness to change and learn new approaches.
Where to find the site's Primary contact.
Site Config Contacts (Site Contacts)
Clicking Review & Finalize will take you to this.
How soon after a feed is connected should a client be notified.
24 hours
Where clients can move all to Not Finalized
Enroll Tracking
Holds self-accountable for customer satisfactions
Where you would find Renewal Month Day.
The Plan
Recommended for clients to use when submitting list bills.
Secure Upload Center
Discrepancy template that indicates timeline has been delayed by 2 weeks.
Template 3.
90 Days
When first renewal notice is sent.
Takes time to listen and understand others' points of view.
Billing Profiles
Where you would find a client's PEPM
Where to add a contact that will display on plan.
Site Contacts
Number of days for T3 to complete coding review.
3 Days
Stage Onboarding case is set to when initially opened.
Waiting for EBRO from Client/Broker
Takes initiative to get things done.
In change types NPD
Next Pay Day
Where to find the latest system enhancements
Release Notes
The number of days after an EDI Rep has been assigned to a new feed and the feed is in RFT that the initial test file will go out.
3 Days
The maximum number of days after OE to complete Post-OE check in.
7 Days
Gives credit where credit is due.