What is Bud’s full name?
Bud Caldwell
Why does Bud keep his suitcase so close to him?
It holds all his important belongings from his mother.
What does Bud decide to do after visiting the library?
He decides to walk to Grand Rapids to find Herman E. Calloway.
Why does Bud think Lefty Lewis is a vampire at first?
Because he sees blood in a container in the car.
What chore does Bud do at the club?
Mopping the floor.
How many chapters in Bud, Not Buddy?
What does Bud call the book he keeps in his head to help him survive?
Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself."
Who does Bud meet at Hooverville?
What does Lefty Lewis do to help Bud find Calloway?
He drops him off at the club where Calloway plays.
Who impresses Bud the most during the band’s performance?
Miss Thomas with her singing.
Where does Bud sleep at the beginning of the book?
The Foster Home
Why does Bud believe Herman E. Calloway is his father?
He finds old flyers his mom kept with Calloway’s name on them.
Who is Deza Malone?
A girl Bud meets in Hooverville who gives him his first kiss.
Who is the first person to be kind to Bud in the band?
Miss Thomas.
What does Bud realize about Calloway’s rocks?
They are like the ones his mother kept.
What does Bud think is in the shed with him?
A vampire bat
Where does Bud go after escaping the Amos house?
The library.
How does Bud know the librarian from before?
She used to help him find books when he was younger.
Who picks Bud up on the road?
Lefty Lewis.
What instrument does Steady Eddie give Bud to practice on?
A recorder.
What shocking news does Bud discover at the end of Chapter 18?
That Calloway is not his father, but his grandfather.
How does Bud escape from the shed?
He breaks out the window using the rake.
How does Bud learn about the distance between Flint and Grand Rapids?
The librarian shows him how to use a map.
What does Lefty Lewis feed Bud?
A sandwich and red pop.
Why does Miss Thomas say the house is named after Grand Central Station?
Because people are always coming and going.
What does Bud show Miss Thomas and Mr. Jimmy to prove his story?
A picture of his mother.